To Goanet -

I agree with the spirit and substance of this opinion piece
by Dr. N. Kamat.

What I find odd is the citing of Wendy Doniger, a known
Hindu baiter masquerading as an academic.  Really, Hindus
should get over this habit of quoting white folks on matters
pertaining to their own traditions, especially white folks
in prestigious universities in America & the West.  Not all
white folks are automatically suspect, of course.  But it
pays to be vigilant.

This may shed some light on Doniger and her cohort -

Also, today my friend Dr. Arun Gupta posted this.  And Wolpert
of UCLA is considered by some as an "authority."  I know of
many white "experts" in Indian music who are anything but.
But if you can wangle a position at Harvard you automatically
have Indians worshipping at your feet. (*)

Now it is true that these folks in the American academy are
powerful, and they have cultivated brown sepoys to carry water 
for them.  Anybody objecting to their shenanigans is readily
labeled "right wing" "Hindutva" and so on (Admin Noronha
et al are the low level foot soldiers in this brigade).

(*) Note that my comments apply to what are considered
the Humanities depts.  The faculty at Science & Engineering 
depts in top US universities is usually at or near the top of
their game.



* * *   

In every way, the Goans of Bombay were part of the great mêlée that 
was this metropolis, distinct perhaps in the way communities often are, holding 
on to their own traditions but merging slowly nonetheless and forming the thin 
thread of nationhood that would eventually become India. -- Selma Carvalho, in 
*Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim 
[Ph +91-9822488564]   Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.

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