when I first read of Mr. Pereira, the supposed intellect-turned-painter-turned-grumpy old man, i opined that he was just a self-taught wannabe great. Now, I read that he has painted Christ in the nude ( and the Hindus get angry that he has painted their Deities in the nude, too), I wonder where and how did he ever imagine where in the Bible there was any reference to a naked Christ. This man claims he has done research on nude Deities before formulating his drawings. I say he just wants to rile up the locals, from his self-exiled foreign perch. Shame on Mr. Pereira!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Goanet News"

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VIDEO: Jose Pereira vs. Sanatan
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Below is a statement
from Dr Delio Mendonca
of the Alto Porvorim-
based Xavier Centre of
Historical Research
following the controversy
over an exhibition of
paintings there.
* * *   

In every way, the Goans of Bombay were part of the great melee that was this 
metropolis, distinct perhaps in the way communities often are, holding on to 
their own traditions but merging slowly nonetheless and forming the thin thread 
of nationhood that would eventually become India. -- Selma Carvalho, in *Into 
the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph 
+91-9822488564]   Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

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