Dear Vasant,

Thanks for giving me evidence that Obama is a Hindu fundamentalist. I don't 
think he will go to Tirupati because the evidence you have provided proves that 
he is a Hindi/Gujarati speaking north Indian Hindu extremist. I have also found 
out that many of his European, Hispanic, Chinese, Middle Eastern and African 
appointees have links with the non-Christian governments and political parties 
of India because their names appear on the websites of many Indian institutions 
and organizations. He has also been repeatedly photographed with an Indian Arab 
wearing a turban, who is currently the prime minister of India. It is rumored 
that he has received an urn containing the water of that Indian river that is 
named after a disease.



--- On Sat, 8/7/10, Vasant Baliga <> wrote:

> From: Vasant Baliga <>
> To: "Goanet" <>
> Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 11:42 PM
> Dear Santosh,
> Obama has always been a closet Hindu-he appointed Sonal
> Shah to a high position 
> inspite of Opposition from the Indian American
> secularists.She was accused of 
> RSS links.He also has admitted carrying a Hanuman idol at
> all times for good 
> luck.
> Last month his administration announced that it had
> appointed  Preeta D. Bansal 
> to serve as the Vice Chair (Government Official) of the
> Council  of the 
> Administrative Conference of the U.S. (ACUS). Ms.
> Bansal’s appointment  follows 
> closely on the heels of a similar announcement last week,
> of Nisha Desai  
> Biswal, who was nominated to the post of Assistant
> Administrator for Asia in the  
> U.S. Agency for International Development. 
> When their appointments are confirmed, the two women will
> join the  large and 
> growing club of Indian-American and Hindu Obama appointees,
> which already  
> includes Rajiv Shah, Administrator, USAID, Vivek Kundra,
> Federal Chief  
> Information Officer and Aneesh Chopra, First Chief
> Technology Officer.
> There are rumours in Indonesia-that his mother secretly
> baptised him as a Hindu 
> in Bali and probably this explains why his half sister is
> named Maya.
> Now one hears that he is behind the conversion of Julia
> Roberts to Hinduism and 
> that the movie Eat,Pray and Love is financed by Islamic
> Sympathisers of Obama 
> from the Middle East and Kenya.
> Watch out-there are rumours that India's God Kings will
> accompany the Obamas to 
> Tirupati during his visit in November.
> Cheers
> Vasant

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