What is the truth?

Has somebody been robbed of his

If you have a house and out of
compassion keep a homeless destitute in one of your rooms and feed him, is he
entitled to a right to part of your house?

To whom does the property belong?

It is this post
"Liberation" governments that have created this false sense of
ownership through their sinister 'Mundkar, Tillers & Tenants' Acts; solely
for their vote bank purpose. And our gullible Goans have fallen prey to it with
greed of turning overnight into landowners. Would it not be just, sincere and
conscientious to leave your shelter rendered at the time of your or of your
forefather's needs and stand on your own feet? Or is it correct to stick on to
it as a parasite and kill the host? If Goans had conscientiously realised what
is right and what is wrong, they would have purchased their own land and house
when things were cheap and they could afford.

Many Goans are well off monetarily
with children working abroad and owning cars, flats and bungalows; but still
forcefully keep possession of house and property of their forefather's
benefactors. And there are many also who have relinquished these false rights
and kept cordial relationship with their benefactors. It is very clear that
successive governments have banked on divide and rule. This is exactly what you
speak here 


under the above caption when you mention recommendations of the Law Commission. 
These are
communist ideas.
Goencho Nadd

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