Unlike Taliban & Al-Qaeda the Hindu Fundamentalists (rashtriya swamyamsevak
sangh, vishwa hindu parishad, bajrangdal, shivsena, durga vahini, ram sene,
etc) Don’t Attack AMERICAN PEOPLE this explains why the US Government, CIA &
FBI are not interested in monitoring the activities of the Hindu
fundamentalists. The Hindu fundamentalists receive most of their funds from
Hindu organizations in US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia & New Zealand. But
the Western Governments are not interested in blocking these funds because
the Hindu fundamentalists are NOT attacking WHITE PEOPLE. US President
Barack Obama is appointing certain Hindus with RSS & VHP links in his
administration some Indian origin Christian & Muslim groups in USA have
protested but Obama is not bothered......Obama is also not bothered about
the random attacks on christians and vandalization of churches in India this
proves Barack Obama is not a Christian.

Julia Roberts converting to Hinduism is not a threat to Christianity but
Julia Roberts should be gracious enough to change her Christian name to
Hindu name. Most of the Hindu Organizations in America are associated with
Vishwa Hindu Parishad which is involved in anti-christian activities in
India. The VHP should suggest Julia some Hindu names or maybe Christians can
suggest Julia some hindu names. How about Radha Roberts.

Julia Roberts childrens hindu names given by one swami when Julia was in
India are - Laxmi for Hazel, Ganesh for Phinnaeus and Krishn Balram for
Henry. Wonder why the swami did not give Julia a Hindu name ? And what caste
now Julia belongs to – is she a Brahmin hindu or Kshatriya hindu or Vaisya
hindu or Sudra Hindu or Mahar Hindu or Chambhar Hindu or Dalit Hindu ? Has
Julia any knowledge of the caste system in Hinduism ? Does Julia know the
origins of Hinduism ? Does Julia know who the indo-aryans were ? Does Julia
know that the hindu caste system was the first form of organized apartheid
in the World ?

Christianity is facing certain threats from Taliban, Al-Qaeda & the Hindu
Fundamentalists but the biggest threat to Christianity comes from certain
priests, pastors, vicars, chaplains, monsignors, deacons, bishops, cardinals
who are living a luxurious lifestyle and have become more secular in their
work, thought, dress, speech, sermons than the laity (lay christians). A few
rogue elements who have infiltrated the Christian religious orders have
destroyed centuries of sweat, tears, sacrifice and blood by hundreds of
thousands of priests and nuns.

Its hard to survive in the news market in India without crap news. They will
show everything that doesn’t matter. 3 hours per day about bollywood and
tellywood, 1 hrs per day about some magician, 3 hrs youtube videos, 5 hours
superstitions, 3 hrs murders and rape. all this crap goes on and on. Thou
all this news are pathetic but still if you switch it on you cant get away
from it, all these craps are indeed too attractive to an average Indian.

Someone needs to setup a serious TV news channel in India that can report
and expose the incestuous network between the Politicians, land mafia,
Builders, judiciary, police, slumlords, state bureaucracy, corporates,
traders, industrialists, contractors, ias/ips officers, government
officials, judicial officers, real estate developers, customs officials,
excise officials, law enforcement officials, municipal ward officers,
rationing officials, collectors office, etc.

For decades, the United States was the bastion of Christian Values, the
haven for all those who desired to be free to worship God without Government
interference. However, all things Christian are now being herded into a
corner and into an area of society that may well be the point of no return.
The USA has replaced the God of her Founding Fathers with the false gods of
self, convenience, lust, power, sex, and greed.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain, which once boasted a queen who read her
Bible and prayed daily (Queen Victoria) to a nation where Islam is gaining
serious ground on the church (which has all but ceased in being the
soul-saving station she was ordained to be centuries ago).

Though many Europeans say they consider themselves Christians, far fewer
actually attend services. One need only see the overwhelming number of
gray-haired heads in church pews to know attendance will keep falling.
People in Europe now write to their local parish telling the vicar they no
longer wish to be members and opt not to pay taxes to the church, which
range from 2% to 3% of their income.

In India most of the lay Christians have noticed how some Clergy are selling
away church properties and pocketing the money….. the lay christians have
also noticed how the missionaries are trying to lure the Dalits and Tribals
to Christianity by using allurements…… the lay christians have also noticed
how Christian schools are giving preference in admission to children of
wealthy Hindus.

In cities and villages throughout India, Mafia Raj consisting of municipal
and other government officials, elected politicians, judicial officers, real
estate developers and law enforcement officials, acquire, develop and sell
land in illegal ways. Many state-funded construction activities in India,
such as road building, are dominated by construction mafias, which are
groupings of corrupt public works officials, materials suppliers,
politicians and construction contractors. Shoddy construction and material
substitution (e.g. mixing sand in cement while submitting expenses for
cement) result in roads and highways being dangerous, and sometimes simply
washed away when India's heavy monsoon season arrives.

Apart from Corruption there is another one serious issue that of large scale
female foeticie in India which is practiced mainly by Hindus no wonder the
sex ratio among hindus is for every 1000 hindu males there are less than 900
hindu females. In the years to come there is going to be serious social
problems. Statutory laws such as the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
and The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of
Misuse) Act are not enforced strictly and the few doctors that are convicted
soon open their clinics. With such ineffective implementation of laws
government agencies, religious leaders, politicians or non-governmental
organisations, no one can sway people to abandon the practice of female

The Chinese Govt. can enforce the one child policy but the Indian govt.
cannot enforce the two child policy because the North Indian politicians who
dominate the Indian govt. are not interested in family planning.

India’s Job Reservation system only benefits the creamy layer among the OBC,
SC, ST & Dalits.

The Hindu fundamentalists have brainwashed the Hindu majority with a
five-decade campaign that portrayed Muslims & Christians as disloyal,
anti-national or criminal. Militant nationalists always need an enemy in
order to grow. Hitler had the Jews. In India there are the minorities within
and Pakistan, China and the West outside.

The Hindu fundamentalists pack all the national parties with their people so
that they will be in command no matter which party comes to power. This
explains why the Congress led UPA has not banned any of the hindu
fundamentalist groups (rss, vhp, bajrangdal, shivsena, etc).

The Hindu fundamentalists are evolving new ways of humiliating,
marginalizing and crushing their opponents (muslims, christians, tribals,
dalits, etc ). They humiliate and disarm their critics by accusing them of
being foreigners and anti-nationals. They provoke them beyond endurance and
any self-defence is described as violent. They keep spreading misinformation
in a studied and systematic way so that at least half of it will be
believed. For this, they take inspiration from the manuals of the Nazis whom
they greatly admire. They harass minorities with court cases so as to wear
them down.

The Hindu fundamentalists use the print, celluloid, audio and video media to
further their cause, especially during elections. One cannot underestimate
the vastness of their designs. If you send a christian or muslim explanation
to the press against false accusations, it is ignored.

The organs of the state bureaucracy, the judiciary, police and armed forces
are polarised....when one officer takes action, another rushes to the rescue
of the Hindu fundamentalists.

Anti-democratic attitudes are today widespread in the same urban middle
class in India that was the backbone of democracy......Gone are the days of
slogans like "Unity in Diversity".

The sangh parivars (rss, vhp, bajrangdal, etc) clear-sighted aim is to
establish Hitler's Aryan rule in India, and impose the Manu Code with its
caste-norms. Just as for the Nazis, the Jews were a great threat, so the
sangh parivar considers the Muslims, Christians, Dalits, Tribals,
Socialists, Communists & Modern Hindus a great threat.

The Sangh parivars definition of Nation, is not acceptable. It is
monocultural negating other religions and people. The struggle between the
Brahminical forces under the disguise of Hindu nationalism on the one hand
and the dream of an egalitarian, pluralistic and democratic Indian State and
society on the other hand, will determine the direction and the destiny of
the Indian State and society.

Mark D'souza

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