If you're on Facebook, pls check out this mini discussion on the jackfruit:

JACKFRUIT is India’s most neglected fruit. This sleepy sub-district is
the heaven of jackfruit. http://bit.ly/cDp7gW

George Lessard  I lived in the Bahamas for four years and can tell you
that both in the Bahamas and other Caribbean countries,,, jackfruit is
highly prized and enjoyed...

Irynn Alcantara Abano commented on your post
"i like jackfruit. i like it fresh ripe. i also like it stewed in
coconut milk with a little sugar and other fruits and root crops. i
also like it as a jam. it's also nice candied. the raw fruit can also
be stewed in coconut milk with chili and also added to sour soup or

Frederick Noronha

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