Hi Cornel,
I respect your position and your concern with racism. That is a given.

My point is to suggest that Christians seek conscience within their
Christianities, and not construct a conscience because their behaviors put
them on the side of being considered a racist in contemporaneity. I do not
want Christians to not do something---considered racist, a racist act,
belief, or behavior---only within a secular framework---outside of what is
their belief system--church going Christianity. My post is very Christian
centered, so the answer has to be sought by us Christians within
Christianity, and Christ-centerdness** as also in my case, elsewhere too
(which is a bot alien, but that is me). In this post< i am not looking
outside of Christianity and the pride which Goans take in being Christa ins.

Your points are well regarded and well taken. The Church is the Church. One
just has to look at the situation of education when pre-independence the
Portuguese PM wanted Goans to be educated. What happened? Was that mandate
carried out? Could one not helpfully apply the term racism here. But of
course! However, what does it say, beyond that; unless one is documenting
for scholarship and possibly to make people awareness, and that rarely
happens. Some of those ecclesiastics are in happy retirement now. Three
others are in Rome for training, and life may change. I mean people become
priests for various reasons, including mothers wanting their sons to be
Bishops, and possibly Pope. Think about that. Let them deal with their own.
What people could do, and it may not be you--unless you are on the ground in
Goa, practicing with the people making them aware--helping them see, seek
meaning identity within their Christianity. It cannot happen
otherwise--almost impossible.

In general, people are not gracious. I have often told my idiotic
acquaintances, idiotic friends, and idiotic relatives and family--to choose
grace over uncalled for harshness. But also to have that ready in some
measure. But this needs discernment. It happens over time. By that point we
will be in our late 60s--those among us who are alive. I am strictly talking
of my friends, relatives and family.

venantius j pinto

> From: CORNEL DACOSTA <cor...@btinternet.com>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
>        <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Caste and Creed in Goa
> Message-ID: <478548.33552...@web86604.mail.ird.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi Venantius
> Ever so well said below that?I can't resist this GoaNet post. Venantius,
> may I
> suggest that you could add one more point in your key?first paragraph
> below.?Belief in and practice of caste is ipso facto?racist and of course,
> racism?is?abhorred in any civilised society let alone a Christian one. That
> the
> Catholic Church in Goa has been complicit in?it for half a millennium and
> that
> so many of?the clergy?across its hierarchy in Goa and the Goan Diaspora
> uphold
> this foul creed?and never say anything against it surely doesn't say much
> about
> the integrity of this religion.?And Vasant, if interested, please see
> GoaNet
> archives where I have, over six years at least, written extensively and
> critically on several dimensions?of caste among the Catholic Goans. I have
> also
> done so?elsewhere and continue to do so.?
> Cornel DaCosta

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