From: Alice Gouveia
Congratulations Mr Faleiro, you did a good job.Could this information be 
passed to the Embassies and Consulates overseas? The staff there don't 
seem to know about it  when asked for detailed information.
Response - How is this for mis-information?

Headline: Consul Heads Address New Visa Regulations
5 Aug. 2010. (California).  Indian Americans crowded into the
auditorium in San Francisco to ask Indian Consulate officials questions
about the new complex rules for travel to India.... 

One 70-year-old woman from Goa found out at the meeting that she was
ineligible for  OCI or PIO card as the former Portuguese colony had not yet
been annexed into India when she was born, and therefore she was not of
Indian origin ... 

Full text and photo at

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