Coconut Breaking Game
We wanted to be there on time
So we arrived on time i.e. 3pm
No, it did not start at the stated time nor it started 
90 minutes later
But it actually did at  4.55pm.
As if they were waiting for their Chief Guest the 
Local MLA and his brother, Zila Member. 
No sooner, they arrived than the event started.
Local Sarpanch and the panch made it around 
4pm though.
Tip: Next time when you know there is a politician as chief guest, 
be there at least one hour later than the stated time.
In our case, we did not know nor it was said in the ad etc.
The Game:
This is the first time I ever watched them playing.
It needs two players.
One to set the ball (coconut) rolling and the other 
to hit/break the ball using another hand held coconut 
as striker.

Mostly, the opposition coconut breaks but sometimes 
both break or none breaks.
Yet, there are situations where the opposition’s ball is
safe but the hitter’s (Striker) ball breaks

All the  winning/losing situations are selectively
included in the clip.
It’s Young Boys of Dugrem presentation of their 
40th Traditional Coconut Breaking contest
on the feast day of their Paron St. Lawrence 
on 10th August (every year same time/same venue)
Coconut breaking Contest - Video clip

pics were supplied earlier
There were other programs too such as Konkani songs, 
Magic Show by Anil, Kids Fancy Dress, Folk dance followed 
by Volley ball match between Curca Boys v/s Hausi Band
Sadly, we could not wait to watch all this as we 
already wasted about 2 hours.. It was our feast too
and he had our own programes at home.
Except some parts of Magic Show by a local (Settled 
in Loutorim) which we liked a lot.
A clip may be uploaded if time and mood permit.
Some pics here of the Chuch on the feast day
St. Lawrence Maddi

Our Patron's feast is not as grand as 'purmentachem Fest' held in our church. 

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