Celebrating freedom…

I celebrate freedom…
Freedom to say what I want and write,
I am an Indian , I love India,
India is part of my system,
I live for India, I wish to die for India,
Be part of same elements of which my ancestors had been part!
This country has given me everything,
The nutrients to carve me as a foetus,
My mother’s nourishing milk,
I never grew my own food,
And never inquired while purchasing whether a farmer from Punjab grew my wheat,
And whether my lentils came from MP and spices from Kerala,
I just take my country for granted, every day..
Because I am free,
I have freedom to cry, shout, curse, condemn, protest, exhibit anger,
privately, publicly!
I know there is no power to tie my hands,
Imprison my pen, electrocute my thoughts, castrate my brain...
Freedom is flourishing everywhere,  getting stronger…louder
In this country which was looted, raped and plundered,
To build the mills of Manchester,
And forge the Steel of Glasgow,
And transport the affluence to Americas,
Those who drank blood of India,
Today are scared of India,
Those who cut the thumbs of the weavers of Dhakka,
Are wearing the Woolens of Ludhiana,
Gentries who worried about India’s survival,
Taste the Indian curry in Londoners  hurry!
I celebrate the freedom,
Which made me what I am today,
It is not my country which has let me down,
We have let down our country,
We wrote tomes on poverty, even got a Nobel prize,
For theory of entitlement and economics of equity,
But spent more money on pet food,
Than throwing a morsel to satiate the nearest crying orphan on the footpath,
Was there really a man like Gandhi in this country,
 A man who is not from Cinema?
I have no complaints about my freedom,
I have grievances against my countrymen, I wish I cut and paste Khalil
Gibran here!
But India is Not Lebanon!
We talk, write and criticize a lot,
We take sadistic pleasures in describing how this country is going to dogs,
As if the rest of world has turned into a paradise,
What is dictatorial China, a nation or an AC  prison?
Where is the comparison?
India is India-there is no match.. visit Kumbhmela,
Where else would I find 30 million people melted as one crowd?
What is that magnetism which still binds the country?
The charm which Jawahar attempted to discover?
Aurobindo demystified, Vivekananda glorified,
Rajneesh exported, blessed Mother Teresa embraced in humble service?
A xenophobic country can not have 426 living languages,
India’s borders were always unguarded,
“find a plant which has no medicinal use’ had told Charaka’s teacher
in University of  Takshsheela, When Charaka had asked anxiously  to
his Guru in Ayurveda,
“Master , when my education would end?”
“it is over” had told the master,
When Charaka returned empty handed.
That’s the spirit of India. Discovery. Pursuit of Knowledge for the
sake of Knowledge.
Freedom fits this country like an inseparable bionic ornament!
But we refuse to enjoy the freedom,
“We, the people’ are real masters of our country,
The power is WITHIN us…
It was discovered in 1857, 1942, 1977… and forgotten…
The Imperial Mauryans could have marched in Macedonia,
Akbar could have conquered Persia,
Marathas could have ruled Afghanistan,
But India did not pursue such chakravarti agendas…
Indians were happy in building a Borobudur, An Angkorwat somewhere,
A stupa here, A zen garden there,
We have let down this great country, this civilization,
We have layers of gossips, but no pregnant news,
Of hope, resurgence, reconstruction and repair,
We cultivate tremendous self pity,
A trait our children have picked up from us!
Our individual poor self image,
Collectively contributes to a nation’s self image,
What use is this freedom, if I shop for new chains to bind me?
What use is this freedom if I curse my own mother?
What use is this freedom, if I don’t free myself,
Who has stopped me?
>From self liberation?
Where is that Sufi, a Kabir, A bulle Shah, A tagore?
Why I refuse to compose the songs and sing for my self liberation?
Somewhere inside I know, I may deny, but I know,
That this soil is sacred,
The elements of our ancestors are mixed in it!
Having tasted the freedom, I need to be worthy of it,
I have to rise from my own ashes,
And see the country rise!
That is our Karma, that’s our collective moksha, that’s independence,
that’s freedom!
Long live Indian people, the great Indian republic!
Vande Mataram!
Jai Hind!
God Bless India!
"Somestachem Borem Zanv"
"amcho des , amka panv"

Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat
August 15, 2010

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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