Today John Aki-Bua came to mind. Certain people come to mind when Goa
engulfs my mind--a certain way.
Many years ago I met Dave Hemery (bronze medallist, 400-meter hurdles at
Munich 1972) in Marlborough, England at the redundant church of Sts Peter
and Paul.

>From the NY Times

In 1972, after only one international competition, Akii-Bua arrived at the
Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. His opposition in the 400-meter hurdles
included Dave Hemery of Britain, the world record-holder and defending
Olympic champion, and Ralph Mann, an American. His only pair of running
shoes was two years old, and one shoe was missing a spike.

But he was built ideally (6 feet 2 inches and 170 pounds), and he had
trained with frightening intensity. In the six months before the Olympics,
his training had included wearing a vest weighted with 25 pounds in lead as
he ran 1,500 meters over five hurdles that were 42 inches high -- the
hurdles for his race were 36 inches. He did four sets of those repetitions,
twice a day, every day.

He won the Olympic gold medal in 47.82 seconds, a world record, leaving the
silver medalist, Mann (48.51 seconds), and the bronze medalist, Hemery
(48.52), six meters behind. Then he ran a victory lap and jumped over the
hurdles again.

venantius j pinto

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