Dear Bruno,
Appreciate what you are doing.
Pls check out the 'comments on news reports' on and you will be happy to know that there are people who do not take it easy any more.

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----- Original Message ----- From: "bruno.gomes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 2:04 AM
Subject: [Goanet] TR: CM, ministers and MLA's are Anti Goans


De : bruno.gomes []
Envoyé : samedi 14 août 2010 22:17
À : ''
Objet : CM, ministers and MLA's are Anti Goans

Dear Editor

Please publish my article

Thank you

Bruno gomes

CM, ministers and MLA's are Anti Goans

Is Goa become a Banana state, or is it in a coma? I think so. These  40
Alibabas are really and trully despicably dishonest men.The recently
Assembly sessions proved to the Goan people that these 40 members were
acting a drama in the legislative assembly. So many scam were revealed, Both
ruling and oppositon demanded CBI inquiry into Drugs-Police nexus but to no
avail. One can say that the democary in the state of Goa is of the thief,
for the thief, and by the thiefs.

The CM including himself is heading a bunch of dishonest, corrup, venal, and
criminal. Yet citizen don't seem to know or care .

Wake up Goan and see the rot that infested Goa. It is become a contegious
diease that has affected day to day life of the Goans. The great enemies of
Goa and the nation are those who rule and they are stealing you and your
children's future.

In recent article on German news paper editoral wrote that India is become a
banana Republic instead of being an economic power. This applies to Goa too.
Whenever any scam is revealed, immdeiately the CM bow his head down and
promises to look into the matter. This CM is in office for last three years.
He made countless promise to the people of Goa. He can be called a CM of
promises. Can he tell the Goan how many promises did he fulfilled or
delivered. In the eyes of the people he is spineless CM, that Goa got since
liberation. His motive is loot and let loot the people of Goa.

In recent years Goa got a hit as regards to law and order. The situation is
gone out of hand and one can say that there is no fear of law, No respect to
the institutions, judicary is not functioning, this is because India's(
elephanatine legal system will ensure culpability , is delayed) even the
murderers are getting bail which is unbelievable. Every day we read the
headlines in local paper that, murder, rape, robberies, dacoitry, scams.
corruption, kidnapping, cheating, goondagir, looting, Who is reponsible for
all this mess in Goa.  What is the head of the state is doing?  Is he blind,
deaf, or ignorant of the ground realities?.

CM normally knows everything what is happening in Goa but he does not act.
If he ignores and don't act, he does not deserve to be the CM. It is long
time this guy should have resigned on moral and ethical ground.

CM is a pliable, as he lack a backbone. He follows orders from his master in
Delhi without questioning., since he lacks any sense of decency, ethics and
morality. He is a rubber stamp of his collegues ministes and MLA's. Any one
else with even of iota of shame and humanity would long have quit that
dishonarable position. But not he. He is blissful unaware of the low status
he holds. Not one but scores of scam passed unnotices by him. Corruption is
so rampant in Goa under his leadership that the people have become inured to
it and the next multibillion dollar scam does not even evoke the mindest
surprise. Pratically all the news channels and agencies in Goa drink deep
from the well of corrupt money that the politician have. They are complicit
in the rape of Goa that CM and his cohorts are engaged in.

One day will come that these 40 thiefs who are raping Goa and depriving the
goan their true democracy to live a decent, honest, harmonious life will be
judged by the Goan themselves when the will vote for the next election. It
is up to the Goan to see that the day of reckoning is not too far.

Bruno Gomes


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