Dear Vasant,

U remove the 'serious causes' that are making me point out the Bad things 
Indian, and I will have no reason to indulge in pointing them out. OK?

I have said that U and Sameer have mixed up deliberately, freedom of religion 
issues etc, with Caste and Casteism practices. Why do U want to confuse and 
mislead readers?
I am trying to be objective against these evils in Hindu society. U think I 
enjoy writing about these things? NO! I cry when I see such inhumane prejudices 
are being practiced in the Land of my birth.
U guys are impervious to this; as U are one of them. 

OR Renounce Casteism and Seperatism now. OK? and Redeem yourselves.

 Are U trying to defend the indefensible?
Why do U not answer my question: What is your choice?  a casteless society with 
no caste; or a society where everyone is a brahmin, or everyone is a sudhir.

 U have not even attenpted to answer the above.

Until such time that the whole of India is not a casteless society, I will 
campaign for it and take it to the world at large, to take action like the 
world did against South Africa against Racism and Apartheid. The Indian version 
is worse, as the same is entrenched for centuries by their own people. Indian 
against Indian.


--- On Mon, 16/8/10, Vasant Baliga <> wrote:
> Dear Nascy,
> Hinduism is one of the oldest and most humane
> religions-like other religions,it 
> has it's faultlines,caste being one of them and like other
> religions,it has it's 
> extremist loonies who discredit the religion.The vast
> majority of Hindus are 
> peaceloving,compassionate and very considerate to all.That
> will never change- 
> inspite of your statements to the contrary.India's polity
> testifies to that.
> I have repeatedly said that Caste has no place in our
> lives-I do not claim any 
> caste and it is irrelevant to me-Caste is an accident
> of  birth and is 
> abominable.Our family consider ourselves Global Citizens
> with an open mind and 
> Caste,Creed  and Religion is of no consequence to
> us-good and decent human 
> beings who respect  one another are.
> Best Regards
> Vasant Baliga

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