Dear students,
These classes are being conducted by a good friend of mine.
If you have children, they might like to try it out.
Have a great day.
Nalini Elvino de Sousa

Learn to Climb and Boulder these Holidays and have great fun

Indoor Wall Climbing is an excellent adventure sport. Six sessions of climbing will teach you the basics and introduce you to this very challenging sport. You will learn to climb a vertical wall as well as an overhang. You will learn to ‘Spot’ and also a few fun games to play on the wall!

Schedule of Courses:
Course 1 (Ganesh Holiday)
Batch 1: 6th Sept to 11th Sept, 11:30am to 12:30pm
Batch 2: 13th Sept to 18th Sept, 11:30am to 12:30pm
Cost of Course: Rs. 1,700/- for 6 sessions
Last date for registration: 23rd August 2010

Course 2
8 session program for adults and kids (minimum age 7 yrs)
5th Oct to 25th Nov, Tuesdays or Thursdays
Timing: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Cost of Course: Rs. 2,000/- for 8 sessions
Last date for registration: 15th September 2010

Course 3
Weekend climbing program for individuals and families
Saturday 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Sunday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Please call in advance to book your time slot.
Rs.350/- per hour for a one-time session and a Quarterly option of Rs.2000/- per quarter +
Rs.150/- per hour.

Number of climbers per batch: Min. 4 and Max. 5

Location: Zoswaddo, Socorro, Bardez, Goa.

Call or e-mail for more details:
Kim Sabir; 9422438186 and 8975841178
Olivia Colaço; 9823128184

Complete the following form
I wish to register myself / child / ward ________________________________________________ in
 Course 1:  Batch 1    Batch 2       for the 6 session climbing course.

 Course 2:  Tuesday    Thursday      for the 8 session climbing course.

Parent / Guardian_________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________ Signed___________________________________

Fees received:  Cash  Cheque (Cheques to be made out in favour of Hakim Sabir)

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