It is real shame for the church of Goa, why we can't get Bl. Jose Vaz a saint. 
A great missionary for Srilanka. I Can't understand why the church is so blind 
to this open fact. My question is Does the colour of our skin matters for the 
saint hood? Bl. Jose Vaz became all things to all man.
Fr. Bernardino

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 23:06:47 -0700
Subject: Goan saint: Your help is urgently needed

Hi, Please go through this petition. 

Sign it if you feel the cause worthwhile.Pass it on to others you think will 
agree with this petition.


From: George Pinto <>

Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:49 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan saint: Your help is 
urgently needed
To: Goanet <>

Please sign the 
petition below to the Pope and help get a Goan canonized (saint). Please 
to your family and friends.

The 300th anniversary of the death of Blessed 
Joseph Vaz (born Goa, India) is fast approaching on January 16, 2011. Our 
Naik Vaz Institute has worked to publicize his life and Cause since 1980, when 
we incorporated in California as a 501(c)(3) in the State  of California. 
 We ask for your support of our new Petition to the Pope, His Holiness 
Benedict XVI, asking that Blessed Joseph Vaz be canonized for the 300th 
anniversary of his death.

In the year 2000, we organized a Petition to 
Pope John Paul II to have Blessed Joseph Vaz canonized as a Martyr without the 
final miracle during the Grand Jubilee of Christianity like hundreds of other 
Martyrs from Spain and China. Blessed Joseph Vaz merits the designation of 
Martyr for having lived and died under persecution.Cardinal Simon Pimenta of 
Mumbai personally  took our Petition to the Pope. Archbishop Henry D'Souza 
flew to Rome and met with the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes 
of the Saints to support this Petition.

Canonizations are in part a 
result of an outpouring of support from ordinary people. The Pope can grant the 
exception to the miracle for the case of a Martyr if enough people show that we 
care. Your signature to this Petition will help to send the people's support to 
the Pope for Blessed Vaz' long delayed and just canonization. Together we can 
make this canonization happen.

Please sign the online petition which will 
be sent to Pope Benedict XVI: "Make Blessed Joseph Vaz a Saint" hosted on the 
web by, the free online petition service, at:

300 years is a 
long wait for a Catholic Saint and Blessed Vaz could be on the verge of being 
canonized with your support. Please sign the petition and forward to your 
and friends to sign. All welcome to sign (i.e. you do not have to be 


Saraswati Giese and George Pinto
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute


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