Intellectual and culinary communion with mushrooms-An unique first hand
expert  Goan ethno-Termitomycophilic experience

As if SHE had heard my prayers, the Mother Earth suddenly began blessing me
by producing bountiful crops of edible Termitomyces mushrooms at my common
house at Bondir, Santa Cruz, a phenomenon which I had never seen for 40+

See the latest crops (august 2010) which I managed to save for filming and

Crops inside our garden

Crops over larger area

The latest record shows that since September 2008, I have now  three
species-Termitomyces globulus, Termitomyces robustus and Termitomyces
petaloides sp.nov. all from an area of less than 300 sq.mts…..

My garden then became a living mycological laboratory for me, having done
still and videophotography of the fruiting phenomena since 2008 and also
detail biological studies in our mycology laboratory at Goa university…

The videoclips at least those loaded on You Tube are certainly the only
videos so far available on this genus and species from anywhere in the
world!. Filming on the spot without professional gear was difficult.. more
so at night…

Last year we found a novel species –Termitomyces petaloides sp. Nov, Kamat,
Desouza and Priolkar under finalization…we are sending it to either
Mycological research (UK), Fungal diversity (Hong Kong) or Mycotaxon (USA) …

Imagine, a novel mushroom species , new to science from one’s garden…

That was not all.. Mother Earth was challenging me with new questions and

I had spotted nocturnal activity of land snails on these mushrooms. This
year I videofilmed it. This adds a new dimension to our current
understanding of the tropical food chains…watch these three short clips, the
only such films in world/India, so far…we are studying biological and
ecological significance of this trophic behaviour and the results would be
published separately

Besides, after such a bumper crop after taking care to leave behind half the
mushrooms for maintenance of the ecosystem and to permit the termite workers
to reinoculate their fungal combs.. why not have a feast?

See our collection used for consumption as well as scientific studies….

Goa has a rich tradition of Ethomycophagy…

We cook at least 50 recipes from wild edible mushrooms…

So after harvesting the crop from my garden I interviewed my wife  Melinda
on the culinary art of cooking these wonderful species…

How to cook “olamis” –some tips from Melinda…this is just glimpse, there is
more to come on this delicious subject

The intellectual and culinary communion would continue…we expect a few more
crops in September, then probably in December and early January…

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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