--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Frederick Noronha <fredericknoro...@gmail.com> wrote:

I disagree with Santosh's attempts to mix both up, or the suggestion that one's religious views would be decided by the State's approach to a >[parallel] matter.

>... As a secular pluralist, I believe that one's religious views are
his/her own problem, as long as they do not cause harm to humanity.
All I have been saying is that, as the Prime Minister stated, the
secular Indian constitution rightly holds that all religions are

****What is funny is that Santosh does not understand that according to the
Constitution of India, alluded to by Mohan Singh, all religions are equal under

the Law; therefore, all have to be equally respected. It does not mean that all

religions are equally good. Even atheism, agnosticism, marxism, which are

"quasi-religions", in the expression of Paul Tillich, are to be respected. It

does not mean that theism and atheism are equally good, because, being

contradictory terms, they would destroy each other, and nothing would have

remained... Both cannot be equally good. This is illogical, irrational, absurd.

Let Santosh not repeat the blunder again and again...



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