Well said D V Bale. I do not comment on religion since it is individual's 
freedom. I was reading only captions and deleting the text of these religion 
based fights on Goanet. Most may be doing the same. I was wodering how come 
people not understand that religion/caste/language/culture based division in 
people is politician’s game. Why waste time on these when the polititians are 
devastating our mother earth, environment and people? Are these not bigger than 
religion? Cheers! Rajendra 
 This is in response to DV Bale post of 20 Aug: All religions are not equal: 
Religion is " Faith ".Humans are equal all over.It is the ill willed 
politicians who create the problems for harmonious living.So was the 
partitition of India,with one nation "Pakistan" with Islamism as the nation's 
religion and Bharat as "secular".So those humans who believed more in 
faith,have a nation and those who have faith in humanism have also a nation. 
There is no use misusing religion for human sentiments.

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