>The mating season for dogs is just round the corner. >Over the years crores
>crippling the state Exchequer.  The mating season of >our politicians is
>throughout the year. >Aires Rodrigues <airesrodrigu...@gmail.com>

I fully agree with Dotor Aires Rodrigues. The stray dog menace is truly a
nuisance. Stray dogs permeate all nooks and crannies of Goa.

The problem here is that a few animal lovers have moved the supreme court to
ban the shooting of stray dogs. If Aires could spearhead a team of legal
eagles to take up the matter with the honourable supreme court explaining
that the culling of stray dogs is essential for the well being of the human
beings, I am sure the court will permit the culling of these pariahs perhaps
not by shooting but in a more humane manner say lethal injection or any such
method to be determined by a team of veterinary experts.
Since Aires has a reputation for fighting for just causes, I do hope that he
will take this request seriously.


This Idea of yours seconded ...............
SURE This is a menace beyond cure. and for the animal lovers, I suggest they
give their address
and take care of all of them and not come with rubbish like looking after
them and bringing them back to their habitat etc.
All those theories only end up in making us very vulnerable to rabies and
all other problems..
Hope something comes up.
Hope Aires really takes this up.
My full support to him.


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