My congratulations and many thanks to Herman for starting/ founding, Goanet as 
it is known today. In the early years, mid Nineties, it was part of and operated from USA.

It has been a great achievement, over the years. I can definitely say that 
my first exposure to goanet was in 1995, when I had access to my own PC at work 
with the University that I was proud to be then working for at the time. The 
very next year I had my own PC at home.

I felt so proud then that I went around telling my colleagues etc, about the 
fact that Goa has its own private website, and that too at a time when 
Governments and Institutions did not have one.

That is all due to your efforts and work with your colleagues then in USA 
mainly Boston MIT ? You did describe then how you tried out communicating with 
your friends locally and that set the 'road' to achieving the forum that goanet 
is and has now grown so big, with a 'node' in Goa long ago! 

Thanks and well wishes to all the volunteers specially Frederick and Bosco 
later; There also was Joel D'souza then? They have stood 'the test of time' and 
have been a bedrock; and they all deserve our  gratitude for their time and 
effort, utilising their considerable skills; and Selma has been another 
outstanding addition to goanet, of course; allowing all of us subscribers to 
follow Goa and the diaspora and to keep in touch with things Goan, Indian and 
Universal too! 

I must end with many thanks and congrats to Alexyz and Francis Rodricks for 
their outstanding quality, art and literary, continuing contributions on a day 
to day basis; and of course to the many goans who all make the forum 
interesting and worthwhile for everyday partaking! 

Sabash! VIVA GOA and VIVA Herman surely!

Nascy (Nascimento) Caldeira.

--- On Thu, 26/8/10, Herman Carneiro <> wrote:

> Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Anniversary 25-08-2010  (16 years)

> Dear Goanetters,
> Today Goanet celebrates its 16th anniversary!! I'd like to
> take this opportunity to share my thoughts on this proud
> occasion.
> First and foremost we owe thanks to those who work so hard
> to provide this service. We have two volunteers who are the
> pillars of Goanet: Frederick Noronha who has volunteered for
> 15 years; and Bosco D'Mello who has volunteered over 9 years
> now. That's an astounding commitment and contribution to
> Goanet and the Goan community. I thank them both on behalf
> of all of us.
> This year we were sad to see Viviana Coelho retire. Viviana
> volunteered with Goanet for about 12 years and was an
> invaluable part of the team. We thank Viviana and wish her
> all the success and happiness life has to offer.
> A word of thanks to Christina Pinto who regularly publishes
> the Goanet Cybermatrimonials.
> Many thanks too to Avelino D'Souza and Selma Carvalho for
> volunteering with Goanet alongwith with a few others who
> help us whenever they can. Their time and effort is
> certainly appreciated by all of us.
> Thanks go to every member of Goanet as well. Your
> subscriptions are testament to our success. Obviously we
> cannot all contribute to the dialogue on Goanet. However,
> many thanks go to the contributors for sharing information
> and views on topics pertinent to Goans worldwide.
> Goanet has a lot to be proud of this year:
> * Helping in the launch of a successful book on the Goan
> diaspora, by Goanetter Selma Carvalho.
> * Taking forward the debate on a number of issues crucial
> to Goa, and reflecting all points of view, including urban
> planning, infrastructure, people's movements, corruption,
> communalism.
> * Supporting communications and spreading the word over
> positive Goan ventures, like Goa Sudharop and World Goa
> Day.
> * Holding a successful Goanetters meeting in December 2009,
> where the focus was on a little noticed face of the diaspora
> -- Goans in Pakistan!
> * Sharing information about initiatives relevant to the
> diaspora undertaken from Goa, by the Goa government, the NRI
> Commission and others.
> * Helping build a better understanding of Goa by promoting
> visibility of Goa books globally, including those published
> by not-for-profit Goa, 1556 Trust, Isidore Dantas and
> others.
> I am sure you will all agree with me that Goanet is *the*
> communication network for Goans worldwide and provides an
> important service to our community. I hope that will
> continue into the future.
> We need your help to make that happen. Invite you friends
> and family to subscribe to Goanet and publicize Goanet.
> Volunteer with us. From a network with thousands of members
> it's unfortunate that we only have a handful of volunteers
> supporting the day-to-day operations of the list and running
> various projects and initiatives. It doesn't take much to be
> a volunteer. All you would need would be a few minutes
> almost every day, if possible. No technical skills
> required.
> Your financial support is also welcome. Donations currently
> go towards supporting the maintenance and growth of the
> mailing lists and website. When the day comes that we have a
> surplus, we will use that money towards community building
> projects in Goa. Make that happen by a financial
> contribution, even if just annually. Donations can be made
> at
> Thank you all for your continued support.
> On behalf of all of us on Goanet, Happy Anniversary!
> Yours sincerely,
> Herman
> --------------------
> Herman Carneiro
> Chair
> Goanet Admin
> Where Goans Connect!
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

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