The Council for Social Justice and Peace (CSJP) celebrated the Justice and Peace Sunday with a programme on "Village Self Rule: Our Right" at St Thomas Parish Centre, Aldona on 22 August 2010. A number of people from the villages of Moira, Nachinola, Aldona, Olaulim, Pomburpa, Salvador-do-Mundo and Penha-de-Fransa actively participated in the program. The Parish Councils of the respective parishes were instrumental in gathering the people. Reflecting on the experiments of Ralegaon Sidhi, Maharashtra, Mr. Soter D'Souza, Director of Panchayati Raj, highlighted the five elements of Anna Hazare to make a village self reliant. "Swaraj is our right and we also have duties to perform towards our village" emphasised Mr. D'Souza. He drew enormous inspiration from Hind Swaraj of Mahatma Gandhi to portray our lethargy and alienation from our culture which has led us to an unsustainable development and rendered us slaves of our political system and market forces. He called on each one to give their valuable time for sustainable development of the village. Earlier Fr. Maverick Fernandes, Executive Secretary, CSJP briefly reflected on the attempts of the Church in Goa to meet the demands of Millennium Development Goals and thereby fulfill its responsibilities to the nation. He also placed before the well attended audience the challenges ahead to retrieve the powers that have been abdicated by the oppressive systems. Towards the end of the program the CSJP released a publication on "Good Governance and Responsibilities of the Civil Society" written by well known Mr Averthanus DSouza through the hands of Fr Amandio Valadares, Episcopal Vicar for North Goa. (Report as published by CSJP on 24/8/2010)

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Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

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