It ought to be clear to most Goanetters that Mervyn won this challenge. 

Mervyn was asked to provide the IP address of the person posting a message on 
Goanet from the IP headers of a post. No further qualifications were made about 
what kind of IP address it has to be, "public" or "private". Please see the 
challenge quoted below:

If what you say is that easy, I challenge you to find my IP on this email and 
publish it on GoaNet by 12 noon Monday Aug 30th.

In return, I shall send in a $100 donation to GoaNet in your name.

If you can't, I would like you to send in just a $10 donation to GoaNet in my 
.......Jim Fernandes

The underlying claim of the challenger that led to this challenge was that 
Goanet masks or disguises the IP addresses of its posters, whereas a private cc 
reveals them. By providing the correct IP address of a Goanet post Mervyn 
proved that this claim was false. 

Goanet does not mask or disguise the IP addresses of its posters. Private cc's 
or emails do not reveal any additional information about IP addresses that a 
Goanet post received in someone's inbox does not reveal.

Let me demonstrate my point further. Here is my current IP address obtained by 

My IP address:

You can easily tell from the above website that this IP address is provided by 
an internet service provider that serves Goa, which is where I am located.

Now if you read the IP headers of this post carefully, you will find the said 
IP address of mine embedded in it. I am sending this post separately to Mervyn 
with a cc to myself as a private post. You will find the same IP address in our 
private copies. Our private copies won't reveal any other extra "private" IP 
address. The hair-splitting claims of "public" and "private" IP addresses are a 
cop out. 

In fact, as a challenge I would ask Jim F to post the so-called "private" IP 
address of the computer from which he is posting to Goanet at that particular 
time. We can then see how different it is from the so-called "public" IP 
address that is revealed in the IP headers of that Goanet post delivered in our 

To substantiate what I said above I will post both the IP headers of the two 
posts that I receive in my inbox over the next 24 hours - the publicly 
displayed Goanet post and the copy that I received as a cc privately from me. 
If Mervyn provides me the IP header of his private copy, I will post that as 
well. We will find that the IP address embedded in the headers all the copies 
will be exactly what I stated above, i.e.

If anyone else wants to confirm this for himself/herself, he/she can follow the 
procedure I have outlined above.

In short, Jim F lost this challenge, as the present test will further confirm. 

Let me reiterate also that Mervyn's victory falsified (and the present test 
will confirm) F's earlier claim that Goanet masks individual IP addresses, 
which are revealed only by private emails and cc's.



--- On Thu, 9/2/10, Jim Fernandes <> wrote:
> Mervyn Wrote:
> > This is not a new phenomenon on Goanet. Many false
> ID's have been 
> > identified and exposed here.
> My response:
> The guys who must have been caught are the dumb folks. Not
> someone like me.
> Mervyn Wrote:
> > since someone has already sent me the info, here is
> what your post reveals.
> My response:
> This shows how impotent your brain is. You can't even
> "bring it up" to make a simple logical decision that I was
> luring you into a trap. You had to rely on someone else to
> get simple information about my "public" IP!
> Mervyn Wrote:
> > If you use the above coordinates on GoogleEarth, you
> will
> > be able to see the building in White Plains.
> My response:
> This is the location where the sub-net is located or its
> directory listing.
> Mervyn Wrote:
> > There is other info available too but I will end here
> for now.
> My response:
> You can't get crap from the above information. Try calling
> up Verizon and see what they reveal to you.
> Mervyn Wrote:
> > Since you believe in the honour system, you can
> send the
> > cheque to Goanet. 
> > If $100 is too much for a one time payment, monthly
> > payments of $8.34 
> > would cover your honour within a year.  
> My response:
> Please read my full "Technical Explanation" that was sent
> out in a separate email. After reading that you would
> realize you "lost" the challenge.
> Now that you lost the challenge (I know you didn't accept
> my challenge but if you are still man enough) you could
> still send in the $10 to GoaNet.
> If you can't afford it, I suggest you do one of the
> following:
> 1. Unload your stash of "gold" 
> 2. Take a cash advance for $10 from your paycheck at BMO
> 3. Send $1 a month for 12 months - which would be $12 - the
> extra $2 is interest.
> 4. Try an attempt to loot the next Goan Convention if they
> happen to organize it in Toronto.
> By the way, since Herman published an appeal for donations,
> I shall be sending my donation as soon as I return back from
> my vacation next week - I am heading out of town with my
> family and close friends.
> Jim F
> New York.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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