Mutt, Munj, Munne,  Kanknnam etc
Generally, Kanknnam (Bangles) are women things but  
we men many of us wore it too as some stage or the other.
Dou you remember wearing them?
No, you will not but your elder brother/sister or your parents 
or neigbours would be able to tell you.
As for me, I am 100% sure, I wore bangles.  How do I know this?
Well, we had a family group picture on the wall and I saw myself wearing it.
Again, this is a kids stuff, infants below 1 year I suppose.
You try giving it to a 4-5 month old and they will grasp it in their fist
So tight as if they don’t want to part with it to anyone.
Well  this may start one year and above.
It comes very handy to tie some medicinal, religious stuff including 
the one to keep away from evil spirit/Eye 
e.g. Dontam pottolli, Taz, Hoddki etc
In grown ups/adults, the said munj was used to tie or secure their 
Kaxtti or langutti.
We now have underwear in place of Kaxtti..So, no need of Munj.
Fisher folks even had it of Silver or steel metal.
I was about 7 years old, and I still had this pendant around my neck.
Mine was thicker than what you see in the pic and it was all of yellow 
colour only.
People called it ‘Nodrechi Munne’ (evil eye). Some kids even wore it 
around their waist.
As a kid, I remember eating (Chewing) it, not just one end but both ends.
Often while playing or even fighting our bentin used to break. 
Then we had to wait till the next feast day or the usual 
Bentina/Almanac seller comes to the village.
During monsoon, my mother used to tie a dry strip of Palm (Rama Chutti) 
which we got on Palm Sunday/Rama Aitar and this has got something to do 
with Goddgodd or thunder. 

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
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