Hear Hear!, Carmen Bai,

Let’s take the presentation for a Presidential Rule if this is the best thing to do and clear the mess. Let us stop the blame game on others and take action now. Builders have a living to make and we can overlook that of the past as they thought they had right to earn due to their profession. Let’s not demean them and change them for the betterment of Goa as many of them may be genuine about Goa.

Ideas generating through the spate of these e-mails and those that are available (all subject to vertical thinking) is the best thing to do to clear the mess.

Where do we go to do that - Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh. In the recent words of our Minguel Braganza’s “LET’S DO IT”! – Maka dista amcho amo atah pikla!

I am happy to travel at my cost with a properly selected delegation as a small contribution from overseas Goan brought up in Goa like other Goans who know where our heart is – V Formation rule to be applied.
if this is better than a new party.  I do not know but I am happy to hear.

Power to Women is important and they need to be treated equally something that is far and between with us India. I have known many of our women who are intelligent.

We need to listen if we have ears and act if we have the strong convictions; sitting on ice should be the day of the past. Hope this e-mail will get those people to give their views; failing which copies of next e-mails
may go astray in transit.

If each Goan in Goa and all corners of the world make one commitment to do something tangible or just contribute to the new committee which could be in “status nascendi” if strategically arranged, we could do wonders. Funds if collected to be operated as trust funds controlled by well known lawyers in the community and documented on how, where and why expenditure is required.

Goenkars, please submit your list of what you can do for Goa.

Reality is within our reach. To win is to see the end in the beginning.


Oscar C. Lobo

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

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