Dear Oscar and All Goans,

This is the last time I will respond on this thread unless I see a good reason to write anything further. Before I go to core issue of this debate, let me unfold few facts about me as they hold relevance to this thread/debate. I had been the Congress Party active primary member for 14 years. As Congress worker, voted for Congress Party except 2007. I am a Catholic, not just by words by hard core practicing till date and intend to stay that way till the end in spite of all that afflicting the Catholic Church.

Goa's biggest problems are these very C & C. i.e Congress and Catholic. Congress Party has done more damage to Goan than any other party and still doing it. Congress Party and its leaders past and present worked for themselves and not for Goa. Corruption, Illegal Mining, Mega project, Drugs you name it and all these vices are prevalent in Goa. Sonia Gandhi has nerves to make noise and even call a opposition Chief Minister ‘Traders of Death’. What Drugs and Mining is doing in Goa is not the same? Why she is silent on these issues affecting Goa and Goans? Our so-called Catholic MP’s and MLA’s and Ex-MP don’t apprise her of the ground realities? Oh! she is waiting circa 2012 to come to Goa to celebrate Golden Goa! What about her election promise to Goa at Fatorda 2007? Are we still to trust Congress who has betrayed Goa more than once.

Catholic, is become synonymous in Goan Politics and it ills. The so-called Catholic voters vote for the same Corrupt Catholic politician. The parable of The Prodigal Son narrated by Jesus is repeated every election. Jesus never said the same prodigal son be invited with open arms repeatedly betrayal after betrayal. This is what we Catholic in Goa had been doing with corrupt dirty politicians. The highest numbers of litigation are found in Catholic dominated Salcete Taluka. I blame squarely the Catholic for the mess in Goa as they have not lived up to the faith.

Honour and dignity is the birth right of every individual just as freedom. When one loses honour and dignity there is no meaning to Freedom. I witness this at many occasions. I paid for my ticket (Dubai-Goa) and Rs 1000 as delegate fees to attend Global Goan Convention at Cidade de Goa in in Goa Jan 3-7 2007. What happened there everyone knows, who was thrown out and by whom and at whose instruction also everyone knows. But, did anyone dare raise it on that convention? Was it not the same issue which has engulfed Goa with fire now? I took a silent walk out of the hall never to return back to any CGC including Muscat driving distance by car.

I had shunned all hypocritical Goan functions in Dubai for last 15 years because they fail to address Goa’s core issues. Goan Social events to my mind are meaningless if they do not connect to ground realities of Goa. Mere celebration of village feasts, dances, watching tiatrs and conducting football event are all but a sham. As recently as in June 2010, I was thrown out of Goan Forum for writing against Corrupt Goa Minister. This event I was invited and thought it was different but sadly nothing has changed in our perception. Honour and dignity for me is as important as freedom.

Now, with regard to meeting Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh with delegation is debatable. Yes, it might work if the approach is Carrot and Stick. Stick to my mind will hit hard if we succeed to show our strength on the street with International & Indian media coverage. For this reason I support Carmen Miranda’s suggestion of Cap & T-shirts. But, the people who are cause of these ills have to be the part of the solution.

My suggestion, as we Goans love to sing and dance for every occasion, let do it that way. Call for a non-political rally represented by all activists who fight lone tireless battles in small groups under one banner with the slogan ‘NO TO CORRUPTION & YES TO GOOD GOVERNANCE’ on 19th Dec 2010. This event could be something like dawn to dask or vice versa with participation from singers, dancers, tiatrs etc all pledging to say NO TO CORRUPTION. Concurrently run a signature campaign at the venue and then submit it to Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh with delegation.

Just meeting the representatives at High Command will not command any good as they are really sitting very high and only 1000K plus visual effects supported by equal nos of signatures might work. If this does not work then I am sure 2012 will be history for Congress.

I mean no offence to any one, just few personal thoughts from a fellow Goan, a man of small means.

Viva Goa by heart and soul.

Agnelo Pinheiro

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