This is in reply to Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 952, message No: Message: 5,
date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010.  


Sotor wrote: Mr. Barad it is you who are dragging me into something else
besides the point. I reiterate that the statement was made in context of
Ravindra bab and the resultant debate. If you cannot understand English, I
cannot explain in Marathi. Or is your deviation a part of the traditional
practice by some Madgaonkars of distracting from topics?


My response: Sotor, let me first clarify your queries. I don't know which
Madgaonkar(s) are known for distracting from topic(s). I also don't know
which distracting Madgaonkar(s) you have dealt with in the past. No, I'm not
dragging you into any other thing. I am asking for your clarification "to
the point" and to the line used by you. I do understand English, Marathi,
Hindi as well as Konkani. And considering your difficulty in Marathi, you
can even explain me in Konkani. 


You say that you used the line i.e. ""..why is it that what the Portuguese
did 500 years ago is used to torture the present day christians?....." in
context with Ravindrabab. 


So the line adds serious interest in your message. Therefore please explain
me how Ravindrabab was torturing Christians for what Portuguese did 500
years ago? And also let me know why Christians tolerated him without any ifs
and buts until his last breath? 


Best regards,


U. G. Barad


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