(An opinion forwarded to Herald on 28/8/2010. AN OPINION DELAYED IS AN OPINION DENIED)

The recent proposal to carve out a third district for Goa is nothing new. Such a ridiculous proposal was first heard of under the NDA rule in 2002. It is nothing but the British tactic of 'divide and rule'. The larger plan seems to be aimed at administratively reducing the entire State of Goa to just three city corporations and thereby do away with the Village Panchayats. Just like Mahatma Gandhi believed that India is in its villages, Goa too is in its villages. Destroying the villages of Goa is about destroying Goa. This latest proposal for a third district only manifests the government's intentions for rapidly urbanising Goa's villages, by destroying agriculture lands, forests, orchards and constructing mega housing projects to accomodate the huge influx of migrants in every nook and corner of the State, with the tacit support from all the national political parties that only shed crocodile tears on the plight of goans. The ultimate design is to minimise goan political influence, erase the cultural identity and destroy the sustainable livelihood options of the goan people and ultimately enslave them into being arm-twisted by the union government. The merger into Maharashtra, which could not be achieved after liberation by several freedom fighters and MGP, is only being forwarded now in a round-about manner. It needs to be remembered that in 1967 the Indian Government had no choice but to prevent any dissent in Goa by winning over the hearts and minds of the goan people because of the pending dispute of Goa's annexation in the U.N. That explains the opinion poll. As long as goans do not understand the larger issues involved in the various struggles of Adivasis and the North East people, they are doomed. Those struggles are not just about geographical and political history. What is being done to Goa is also being attempted in those regions. There is no underlying intention of those people to secede from the Indian State as is being projected, but theirs is a struggle to safeguard their social, cultural and political identity. The recent propaganda by some politicians in the Congress party, that Pt. Nehru would have granted special status to Goa at the time of liberation had it been asked for then, is nothing but rubbish. It is like expecting a new born child to ask it's parents to invest in security deposits that will be needed for the future. If the Congress can negotiate a consensus among political parties to approve a controversial Nuclear Bill, what prevents the Congress party from celebrating Pt. Nehru's love for goans by granting 'Special Status' even now? Does Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi not love Goa? And for that matter do not many in the BJP, NCP and CPI also love Goa and it's culture? Goans should not be surprised that like in the case of Belgaum, voices will soon be raised to demand it's merger into Maharashtra or Karnataka. ' Vishal Gomantak' sounds familiar, is'nt it? The much hyped development and administrative realignment of Goa is all about killing goans softly, and nothing else.

Soter D'Souza

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