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Who killed Candolim?
The River Princess and the Frogs

By Cecil Pinto

Who killed Cock Robin?
I said the sparrow
With my little arrow
I killed Cock…

“Stop Uncle. We’ve heard that one before. Tell us something new.”

Who killed Candolim
I, said Digambar
Typical of my slumber
I killed Candolim

Who saw her die
I, said Agnelo
Despite what I know
I saw her die

Who caught her blood?
I, said Dr. Willy
Although it seems silly
I caught her blood

Who'll make the shroud?
I, said the Rane
It seems a little funny
I'll make the shroud.

Who'll dig her grave?
I, said Churchill,
Soon after the kill
I'll dig her grave.

Who'll be the parson?
I, said Joaquim,
Face looking grim,
I'll be the parson.

Who'll be the clerk?
I, said Anil,
If she left a will
I'll be the clerk.

Who'll carry the link?
I, said Filipe,
And I will weep
I'll carry the link.

Who'll be chief mourner?
I, said Azgaonkar,
Though it sounds bizarre
I'll be chief mourner.

Who'll carry the coffin?
I, said Mauvin,
Through thick and thin,
I'll carry the coffin.

Who'll bear the pall?
I said Victoria,
In a burst of euphoria
I'll bear the pall.

Who'll sing a psalm?
I, said Ravi Naik,
As loud as you like,
I'll sing a psalm.

Who'll toll the bell?
I said Pandurang
I’ll see it is rung
I'll toll the bell.

All the people of Goa
Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
When they heard the bell toll
For poor Candolim

Gather around me children. Let me tell you the actual story about how
Candolim Beach died. Have you heard the story of the Princess and the

“Yes Uncle!”

 Briefly now. A reluctant Princess kisses a frog who turns out to be a
trapped Prince.”

“Yes Uncle!”

But this is not that story. Have you children heard the story of the
Frog Princess?

“Yes Uncle!”

Briefly now. The youngest of three Princes wanted to marry a frog he
befriended. The king sets the frog various tasks that she accomplishes
using magic and then transforms herself into a Princess.”

“Yes Uncle!”

But that is not the story I am telling you today. This is the story of
The River Princess and the Frogs.

“Yes Uncle!”

Once upon a time in a land not so far away was a beautiful beach named
Candolim. People came from far and wide to enjoy her sands. They swam
in the sea and tanned themselves on the beach. They purchased
overpriced trinkets and received amateur massages from migrant
vendors. They sipped on beer and cocktails in the beach shacks and
ordered continental cuisine. Everyone was happy in the beautiful land
of Candolim.

Then one dark and stormy night it happened.

“What happened Uncle?”

“It was a dark and stormy night.”

“You said that already Uncle!”

Ok! Ok! From the pitch dark of the sea a River Princess appeared.

“River Princess? You mean a mermaid”

No! No! A River Princess.

“What was a River Princess doing in the sea?”

Good question. Better still what was a River Princess doing on
Candolim beach? Anyway, this River Princess was huge and ugly.

“How can that be Uncle? All princesses are beautiful.

What do I know. This Princess was huge and ugly and threatened to
destroy the beautiful Candolim beach.

“How Uncle? By huffing and puffing and blowing like the Fox?”

That is a different story. This Princess threatened to destroy the
beach by just sitting there and refusing to move.

“Wow! But Uncle you’re telling us about the Princess only. What about
the frogs?”

I’m getting there. Now the then Ruling Frog told Mining Frog, who was
responsible, ‘Take your ugly River Princess off from our beautiful
Candolim beach!’ Unfortunately Mining Frog was very stubborn. He
refused to remove the River Princess from the beach and instead
contested and won an election some years later. Anyway ruling frogs
came and ruling frogs went, calling each other communal and calling
each other corrupt, but the River Princess refused to budge. And the
beautiful Candolim beach started dying thanks to the spineless ruling
frogs. Slowly dying.

One Opposition Frog even started this fantastic rumour that the River
Princess was selling drugs.

A Texan Frog was hired to remove the River Princess but failed. A
Crosschem Frog was hired to remove the River Princess but failed. A
Jaisu Frog was hired to remove the River Princess but failed. Some
Aldonkars who had once helped shift the Moira Church were hired but
the Moidekars objected. Ten years down the line when Candolim beach
was almost dead a Titan Frog was hired to remove the River Princess
but a Goan Salvage Frog objected.

“Why Uncle?”

Understand children that the River Princess is a very prized
possession for frogs. ‘If I don’t have it nobody else will’, is the
driving objective. But now by a strange twist in the story Mining Frog
came forward very eager to remove the River Princess, and that too for


And the Ruling Frogs want to let him move it. And even Salvage Frog
wants the Ruling Frogs to allow Mining Frog to move it.

“What? But Uncle does Mining Frog know anything about moving River Princesses?”

No he doesn’t. But Salvage Frog does, so go figure. Anyway Ruling
Frogs are now going to allow Mining Frog to remove the River Princess.

“But Uncle isn’t Mining Frog the one who created all this trouble in
the first place by being irresponsible and then stubborn? How can he
be trusted?”

You are correct children but then Ruling Frogs are not too bothered
about the fact that Candolim beach is dying and almost dead. They just
want to get back to their politics and moneymaking and hope the River
Princess will just disappear – as if by magic.

“Will it disappear, Uncle?”

We shall see children, we shall see. But when you grow up don’t forget
who killed our once beautiful Candolim beach.

The column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 9th September 2010

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