                    **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
      Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

        Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
               state "Daddy's Home" in the Donation comments

         For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

To Goanet -


It is a veritable rogues' gallery, starring:

- Oscar Rebelo: the footsie-dancing dissimulating charlatan (best
described by the Sanskrit term "paakhand"), now breaking sweat
to reinvent himself.

- Dean D'Cruz: features on both the teams but always plays for himself.
He professed indignation when Soter & I questioned him on Goanet
about his conflicts of interest, but never got down to addressing the 
questions posed to him.

- Putturaju: don't know the dude, but reeks of the old stink of bhailo
feathering his own nest in Goa.

- Rajan Narayan: the 'spirited' Malayalee who once fancied
himself as the defender of Goan Christendom against those zimblee
eeveel Hindoo radicals.  Now reduced to defending the likes of
Oscar Rebelo.

- Matanhy Saldanha: needs to resurrect himself just-in-time for
the next electoral cycle.  Cheers, Mats!

All this would have been uproariously funny if not for the fact that
Goa has been had by this malodorous band of faux activists.

By the way, I know the lady organizing this (Suman Kurade) quite well.



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