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Thanks J. Colaco and Soter.

If things were that simple , what are people waiting for?

I think all you have done is touch the tip of the iceberg and just point out
some of the areas in which corruption is rampant and attitudes of people
need to change.  Without leadeship and guidance no one will change. Where is
the incentive to stop corruption? Where are the legal consequences?  Where
are the criminal prosecutions?

People are not going to out of the blue stop being corrupt and follow the
guiding principles Soter so kindly layed out.  How are they going to know
about your principles to eradicate corruption Soter? Going to publish it on
local papers?

Corruption is everywhere, in every sphere of life in Goa. I was shocked that
people in Goa even need to bribe to get jobs, even police jobs!  I think the
meaning of integrity is lost in today's Goa.

Nothing is going to change unless there is some serious anti-corruption
campaign and people begin the feel immediate consequences when  asking for
bribes. How are you going to stop the politicians from buying their votes
during elections?
How are you going to stop the ministers from taking bribes to allow people
to build in the wrong places,  give licenses to builders, miners and
gambling casinos and so on? If you think people are going to just suddenly
overnight, for no reason at all , change a lifetime of bad habits, I think
you are mistaken.

We may not have 100000 people marching the streets in Panjim, but even if we
have 100, that will be a beginning of something. Just the first step.

I think there are thousands of people who are desperate, furious,
exasperated and helpless about the culture of corruption in Goa. They need
to come out and let the corrupt people know that goan society  will no
longer tolerate corruption - or will they?

Corruption is a crime, isn't it? Perhaps it isn't in Goa!

Best wishes


On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 3:58 PM, J. Colaco < jc> <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Soter responded to Carmen( I am responding to Soter)
> My dear Soter,
> I believe that both you and Carmen have your Goan-hearts in the right
> places. Perhaps, you may wish to concentrate on common ground to
> achieve a common goal.
> I'd also suggest the following (part of this is based on advertising
> pearls):
> Just like Business markets its products with Short recognizable names
> i.e. Lux, Rexona, Kingfisher  instead of Appat-ball, Sarvajanik and
> Jhankar (a brand of radio which failed to take off), pick a simple
> name for the movement - not some SuRaj, Pox, Dal, Andolan and Abhiyan
> etc.
> Understand your target audience. If you have to spend time and energy
> to explain the meaning of the NAME of the organization, you have lost
> the first two rounds of a 4 round tournament. Having said that, may I
> say that I find this 100000 individual march/gathering a brilliant
> figment of someone's over optimistic enthusiasm.
> Movements are best when they are ground based and consistent; not some
> one shot deal and politics thereafter.
> Now my responses to Soter's suggestions.
> [1] Let each one focus on themselves and fulfill their fundamental
> duties of abuiding by all laws, the rest will follow.
> JC: Absolutely
> [2] Build and design nothing on hill slopes like our great
> environmentalists preach and do not practice.
> JC: Absolutely
> [3] Minimise on your luxuries and do not clog the streets of Panjim
> with big cars, the villages with hazardous technological and
> industrial wastes from lavish consumeritstic life styles.
> JC: Absolutely
> [4] Do not take grants from the government and sing their tunes.
> JC: Absolutely
> [5] Do not attend programs attended by politicians and corrupt officers.
> JC: Neither in Goa nor abroad. If we do, we are just aiding and
> abetting corruption
> [6] Do not go for any favours to the politicians.
> JC: Absolutely
> [7] Say no to booze in Goa.
> JC : Disagree. We should ONLY decide for ourselves. Legislating
> prohibition will (as in the past) spawn a whole new industry of
> 'liquor-running', boot-legging and the production and sale of
> dangerous and uncontrolled liquor.
> [8] Say no to Casinos and other social evils.
> JC: If the idea is to ban gambling ....ban ALL forms of gambling.
> Please understand the man-power needed to enforce this and the HAFTA
> it could generate. We, ourselves, could decide for ourselves that we
> will NOT have any dealings with the gambling industry.
> [9] Do not also patronise media which are known to be 'fixing agents'.
> JC: Absolutely
> [10] Do not take sponsors from miners, builders, casinos, liqour
> barons,....
> JC: Absolutely, we should neither accept sponsorship nor attend
> functions (including Dances and Shows) which have any of the
> chaps/companies mentioned by Soter as sponsors or patrons.
> Just that you may know ....there are a number of physicians who do NOT
> accept any gifts, trips and dinner invitations from Big Pharma or
> their agents.
> Yours truly is one of them
> good wishes
> jc

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