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The subject line of this thread is factually wrong. Science has already 
explained life as a natural phenomenon. What science does not pretend or care 
to explain is the so-called meaning of life, or what life means to different 
types of people from a purely subjective standpoint. The so-called meaning of 
life varies based on the particular kinds of supernatural and superstitious 
beliefs that people hold. It also varies based on a person's station or 
circumstances in the natural world, irrespective of what supernatural world 
he/she claims to inhabit. Science has nothing to do with the contents of this 
supernatural realm. The more than a thousand or so different theistic and 
atheistic religions of the world have a mind-numbing diversity of mutually 
contradictory supernatural and superstitious beliefs, each claiming to possess 
ultimate knowledge of the true meaning of life.



--- On Sat, 9/18/10, Ivo <icso...@bsnl.in> wrote:

> Dear Goanetters,
> Benedict XVI explains why Science cannot explain meaning of
> life.
> Regards.
> Fr.Ivo
> "The Pope told an audience of religious leaders from
> different faiths that
> the human and natural sciences provide us with an
> ''invaluable
> understanding'' of aspects of our existence.
> But he said the disciplines cannot satisfy the
> ''fundamental'' question
> about why we exist.
> "They cannot satisfy the deepest longings of the human
> heart, they cannot
> fully explain to us our origin and our destiny, why and for
> what purpose we
> exist, nor indeed can they provide us with an exhaustive
> answer to the
> question 'Why is there something rather than nothing?',
> Benedict XVI told
> his audience at St Mary's University College in Twickenham,
> south west
> London.
> The Pope's message comes after Professor Stephen Hawking
> argued in his new
> book that God did not create the Universe.
> In his speech, the Pope argued that genuine religious
> belief leads people
> beyond "present utility" towards the Transcendent.
> "It reminds us of the possibility and the imperative of
> moral conversion, of
> the duty to live peaceably with our neighbour, of the
> importance of living a
> life of integrity," he said.
> "Properly understood, it brings enlightenment, it purifies
> our hearts and it
> inspires noble and generous action, to the benefit of the
> entire human
> family."
> He added that co-operation and dialogue between religions
> throughout the
> world called for "mutual respect" and the freedom to
> practise religion
> without suffering persecution."
> (cf.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/the-pope/8009242/Pope-says-science-cannot-explain-meaning-of-life.html)


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