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Fish workers oppose draft CRZ notification
Special Correspondent

Say it does not protect fishing communities or environment

Thiruvananthapuram: The National Fishworkers Forum (NFF) and the
Kerala Swathanthra Matsya Thozhilali Federation (KSMTF) have come out
against the draft CRZ Notification 2010 put up on the web site of the
Ministry of Environment and Forests.
A press note quoting Matanhy Saldanha, chairperson, NFF, and T. Peter,
president, KSMTF, said there were only cosmetic differences between
the pre-draft and the draft notification. =93It appears that either the
Minister for Environment and Forests is trying to hoodwink the people
or the bureaucrats in that department are misleading the Minister and
the public while acting as puppets of the various lobbies and vested
The note said the amount spent on organising 10 consultations across
the country to understand the views and opinions of the coastal
communities had gone waste as none of the recommendations were
reflected in the notification.
Mr. Peter said fishing communities and other traditional occupants of
the coastline had strongly demanded provisions to protect their right
to live along the coastline that they had been occupying for centuries
and their right to livelihood from what the coastal environment
provided. =93Sadly, these demands have been ignored. The notification
neither protects the fishing communities nor the coastal environment.
Activities that do not need to be within 500 metres from the sea such
as atomic plants, greenfield airports, industries, special economic
zones and large housing projects have been permitted without any clear
rationale. There is also no attempt to take account of the cumulative
impacts of thermal power plants and ports along the coast.=94
The note said there was no case for the special status sought to be
given to Kerala, Goa and Mumbai. =93Given that the situation along
India's vast coastline and its biodiversity differs so vastly, this
only opens up the possibility of each State asking for, and being
given, a special status. This will only serve to dilute the CRZ
notification and open up the coast to builders, the tourist lobby,
land sharks and the industry, while offering no protection to the
environment and the traditional inhabitants of the coast.=94
It said the NFF would do everything in its power to ensure that the
draft notification in its current form was withdrawn. The KSMTF is
organising an open discussion on the notification at the Press Club
here on Monday.


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