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 Message: 1
**It is deplorable that a neuroscientist can mock even at God while tasting 
 "god sandwiches" (godd for jaggery) in Chimbel... Santosh has gone to a 
 lower step than Stephen Fry who spoke with elegance!...

Dear Mr. Ivo,
In my opinion it is not mockery of God, but of those who believe without just 
& ignore post-modern science's claims. 
Mr. Helekar's postings amply suggest, I think, that according to modern 
to which he seems to adhere solemnly, there is/may not be a God after all. In 
other words 
he sees no God. How can he - a scientist - possibly mock something that he does 
not see? 
He may be anything else but he certainly is not a dumbass! 
"Santosh has gone to a lower step than Stephen Fry who spoke with 
elegance!" seems rather accusive and that is not because Fry is a 'comedian'  
because in most of his postings Mr. Helekar has shown a remarkable integrity 
intellectual honesty. He is humorous, too, but not a 'comedian'; had he been 
one, his comedy
would have a brilliant luster to it, I am convinced. His kind of integrity and 
humour seems 'inspired' to me.
Surely, you know the word 'inspired'? I suspect that it has something to do 
with spirit, about which I 
claim to know comparatively nothing, and yet common sense tells me that it must 
often be a trait of 
clearheaded individuals.
Message: 2
 "I strongly detest ...credit to moderators. 
 Regards, GL"

RE: The Yin-Yang principle says that by virtue of the bad is good enhanced in 
the manifest world. 

Message: 10
 "The man is an avowed non believer in an almighty"

RE: But he comes home during Chowath to eat patollyo. Isn't that sweet? He does 
not seem to want to
disrespect the beliefs of those he loves. 


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