Gilbert Lawrence wrote the following:

"Gabe as a seasoned and intelligent goanetter, you should know there are many
such types (see below) on goanet.?They (same guys) make no?attempt to "read,
understand and digest" what is written.?It appears a few?of them know exactly
what someone else is saying; even before they read what is written. Then, they
go on to reply,?tell and opine to the author (and others) what exactly the
author said / meant.

I?call them "Jack of all subjects and Master of distortions, smear and bogus

I suspect many goanetters (though not all)?use the advice you have given; and
which you would love to have passed on to Cornel and others. To?repeat
your?quote for the day:

"Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level, and defeat
you with experience!"? Dilbert's rules of order.

We all will?give a sigh of relief when our names are removed from the unwanted
spam mail; which was compiled?by some faceless, nameless and
shameless?"dick"(s).??I think goanet administration should terminate
membership?of this forum those who spam-mail others on this list.

Regards, GL
------------------- Gabe Menezes

Also there are some on this site, who have to be explained everything - nay
spoon fed, simply unable to fathom out, simple nuances in English - despite
their undoubted hard graft in studying."

Dear goanetters

Using the death of Dr Cornel Da Costa as a smokescreen both Gilbert
Lawrence and before him Gabe Menezes were trying to attack some people
without naming them. I do not approve of such sneaky practices.

I do not wish to call on the goanet administrators to stop such
behaviour because this will result in further suppression of free

However I am going to use my freedom to speak freely - to tell Mr
Lawrence and Mr Menezes - if you have the guts please name the people
you wish to attack and be open and provide reasons for your criticism
of these people and when you do this at least have the decency to not
use the death of a fellow member of this forum to vent your disgusting

Mr Lawrence and Mr Menezes, your behaviour smacks of disgusting
sneakiness; it suggests that you two are cowards; and it suggests that
you deserve to be boycotted by Goans who think straight.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E or
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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