Vivian wrote: How very convenient !? Had this rascal been brought to justice
he would have spilled the beans on a lot of police personnel and?
politicians.? He could not have escaped without the connivance of some
powerful people.? Chalta hai ! Chalta hai !

To preserve and maintain the little of the image left of our police
personnel and politicians combine most wanted drug dealer is allowed to flee
India.  And the excuse given was 'high court had granted him the bail but no
direction was issued to the police to keep a watch on him'. Goans need not
be surprised if our ruling government airs their view saying 'most likely
former minister' is involved in helping drug dealer to flee India. These
days Goa's administration is in total mess.  Every politician including
ministers is acting as per their own whimsies and flimsies with no
accountability what so ever.

Who is to be blamed for all this mess that is taking place in Goa? We the
voters..because we elected these rascals .. And our most convenient answer
was, as usual, 'we had no other choice'. Now why are we crying .... I don't
I feel it's better to say 'chalta hai' and keep quite. For even after
experiencing the worst we will again elect the same rascals as we don't have
other choice. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

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