There were 5 members of the Gram Sabha who attended the above Panchayat ( 
usually a closed door affair) as observers to fullfil the citizen's right to 
know what the people's representatives are up to.

The meeting that was slated to start at 10.30 a.m. got underway at 11.00 a.m 
minus the Sarpanch and the Povoacao ward member Prakash Rawool who reported 
sick when not sick at all. In all probability the sickness was induced by the 
threat of observers sitting in the meeting.

The Dy. Sarpanch, Ms. Doris D'Mello chaired the meet. Other members present 
were: Ms. Urmila Rawool- Raim; Shri. Bobab Kerkar- Pirazona/Caturli; Shri. 
Sagar-Sataporio; Shri. Philip D'Souza- Atafondem & Ms. Doris D'Mello - Calizor; 
Members of Bambordem-Sarpanch and Povoacao-Prakash Rawool reporting sick.

The Secretary Shri. Chetan Shirodkar was the one man show. Except for a few 
queries by the Chairperson, and a few 'Oks' and 'keep it for the next meeting' 
there was embargo on talking.

Aparently, there were no quotations given for the Computer printer. If there 
were, they have been downplayed. The Panchayat G.B. Meet of 7 looked like a 
much bigger meet of 10 with the observers crowding into the Sarpancha's 
Chamber. The application for Occupancy certificate which was inwarded on 
20/9/10 did not find its way into the agenda as the agenda for this meet was 
fixed on 18/9/10. I wonder how the Panchayat will progress vis a vis 
development if delay tactics lke these are  a common place. [Was I not right 
when I asked the new Tourism Minister who is the MLA of Moira to demolish the 
Panchayat as it is harassing people on petty matters??]  What was discussed in 
the meet was sweet nothing. No wonder Moidekars do not find any development 
taking place in Moira. There were atleast 2 letters from the public threatening 
the Panchayat with dire consequences and court actions for not forwarding 
letters to the various departments in time.

The meet got over in a jiffy at 11.45 as there was no business to conduct at 
all. Most of the time of the meeting was taken up by the reading of previous 
minutes, which nobody challenged.

In all the meet was a damp squib with a lot of nervousness set-in.

All that was said was that the letter received from floriano lobo suggesting 
that henceforth large number of GS members shall be attending the GB meets - 
the decision on this was differed since all members were not present.

The only part  of the meeting that was very relevant is the fact that  there 
was a letter from a govt dept asking the panchayat to identify/shortlist  a 
disabled/handicapped  person a national award or something. There was luke-warm 
reception to this query.

Hopefully, there will be more GS members attending the next GB meeting of the 
Panchayat which is scheduled for 15th Oct. 2010 or thereabout and hopefully 
they will not be hurdled in the Sarpancha's cubicle.

GS member.

Note: It is hightime that Moidekars get working to constitute a ' village 
panel' to contest the next Pachayat elections on a forward looking agenda for 
Moira, the most neglected village of prominence in Goa.


It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST citizens  contest elections.
It is not ENOUGH that GOOD, HONEST  citizen voters elect good, honest 
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be good, honest n disciplined, or 
to QUIT.

Only through PPS can such 'good, honest n disciplined system of governance' be 
identified and accepted.
for a date in 2012 

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