'Goa ke log ajeb Hai' (Oscar C. Lobo)

The exact meaning of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was:

He could not understand why Goa needed to be ruled by Goans.  He did not
appreciate our 451 years of Portuguese rule, culture, heritage, language
etc. He thought we were people of Mumbai and Calcutta and saw no difference.

Hence he said what he said because he thought Goans were only working on the ships were he was royally served.

His family should be ashamed of him and what he and Indira Gandhi did for Goa - Land to the Tillers etc.

Jai Hind - Hai, Hai!

Oscar C. Lobo
Cut the stress and deliver results.

From: pinheiro

'Goa ke log ajeb Hai' this is what India's First Prime Minister had said
about Goans .

Why he said it and in what context he said it is not known to me and not
sure if any historian has good knowledge about his utterance. Did he made this statement in reference to Social, cultural economic or political setting prevailing during 50-60 era? Was it a genuine statement or sarcastic statement to glorify or belittle Goans, only historian who worked closely with him might shed some light?

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