Hi, seven actors and I make an appeal to you for funds for a novel project,
 a dramatic
 performance that will tour schools and colleges in Goa, 
Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, 
Chennai, Ernakulam  and Delhi to raise 
awareness and build public opinion against the 
outrages being committed 
to the Western Ghats, which as most of you already know, 
is one of the 
the major biological reserves of the world. 

 Goa, where the theatre residency for this project begins on October 
9th, we 
are waging an almost relentless campaign to save the Ghats here 
from the ravages 
of mining operations intent on taking away low grade 
iron ore and sending it to China. 
Opinion against this has been steadily
 building up and we need to take this even further. 
Last year, as you 
will see from the attached review, an earlier production saw some 
performances in various venues in Goa, and 10 in Pune and Mumbai. 

This year we intend targeting schools and colleges much more and extending our 

 for this project started in late August and we have already managed 
50,000 rupees and more has been committed. The monies will be 
received and managed 
by SPACE, the Society for the promotion of the 
Arts, Culture and Education, the Panjim 
based non-profit that generously
 supported the production last year, with a generous 
contribution from 
Carmen Miranda, the senior London-based Goan environmentalist who 
is one
 of many in the western region, spearheading the campaign to save the 

 received will pay the residency costs at a village boarding school 
(where actors 
will also take classes with the children), provide actors a
 modest honorarium and look after 
their travel related costs on tour. 
Incidentally, four of the actors ranging in age from 22 to 
35 have left 
jobs to take up this residency, and given two months of their time to 
tour with 
the performance. Monies earned from performances will be 
shared equally by the actors 
and associate producer travelling with 

 money for theatre is not easy. Ask me, I've been at it since I was 17 
and in my 
first year of college! So I can't tell you how much to give. 
We accept anything no matter 
how small. A freelance journalist from New 
Delhi, kicked by what we were doing, transferred 
1,500 rupees to the 
SPACE bank account (details given below, and signed by Lisa 
its competent treasurer, also marked in this mail). We 
accept any amount no matter how small. All transactions may please be 
notified to Lisa, who will duly keep you posted on our work and 


 will be ready with our performance (a loose interpretation of Farid 
ud-din Attar's Conference 
of the Birds performed in a language of sounds
 that we will invent in residence) by the 24th to 
begin touring in Goa. 
After that we are more than open to performances in other cities. So 
needed there too...

 am out of all communication from tomorrow, when I head to the hills 
where the residency starts. 
Terence Jorge marked in this mail with me, 
is the associate producer for this production and will 
answer any 
further queries.

 am attaching a review of the performance last year and a few links that
 give you the larger 
picture. Please share this mail with your close 
friends who love theatre...


(Bank details below links)



Name of Bank: Bank of Indi
Branch: Panaji Branch
Account No.: 100720110000234
Name of Beneficiary: SPACE (Society for Promoting the Arts, Culture & Education)
IFSC code: BKID0001007

SPACE thanks you for your efforts.
Lisa Dias-Noronha



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