Dear FN,
Rarely have I come across a talk as full of nothingness as this one. First of 
all, he implicitly assumes the Indian way is superior but more damning that 
that, he assumes that old stereotype, East is East and West is West and ne'vr 
the twain shall meet. In my experience, I have never come across human beings 
that are fundamentally different. We are cosmetically different but never 
fundamentally, never in aspirations and hopes. And this is what unifies us. 

The world is changing because it is challenging every bit of nonsence that has 
been placed before us by way of religion. The choice before is not whether we 
shed our Indianess, the question before us is whether we shed processes that 
don't work. They haven't worked for centuries and they will not work in the 
world that we have to live in, which calls for the most efficient use of 
resource and concepts. And in the end, there always is a one best way of doing 
things. When we discover it, we call that progress. We may do this in terms of 
technological advancement or ideological advancement, but the evolution of 
society necessarily calls for the culling of ways that don't work and embracing 
ways that do.

This "our standards are different from their standards" is in my opinion, a lot 
of brown stuff being shovelled around.



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