The Uzbek Turkcic Mongols had placed our provinces in the hands 
of their Generals; they in turn morphed into Nawabs after seizing power grab 
that produced little kingdoms like Hyderabad and Bijapur. Goa had a long  
history of indegenous religion and culture under native Indian rulers. Bijapur 
was not invited to invade Goa : Vijaynagar did ask daGama to evict them, but 
to move in for good.  Nehru had few options available when dealing with the 
likes of Nizams and Salazars :  We do not call Clinton names for ejecting 
Milosevitch from Bosnia and Kosova.
     The Portuguese people do not miss Salazar, and there is no nostalgia for 
the former colonies and subjects.  They now conduct themselves in the civilized 
manner expected of educated democratic societies.
    Our history would have been quite different if Kakodkar's Congress has 
assumed power after the first election to the Assembly. It was  mindless ego 
that created a local parochial Party then, a doomed experiment that split the 
vote and empowered a group that was honest about it's intent to dissolve the 
special status Nehru so wanted to preserve for all in Goa.       eric.
   From: pinheiro

India is paying a heavy price for Nehru's blunder of plundering Goa in 1961.   


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