Repsonse to Arwin:

I beg to differ on literacy factor for Good Governance in Goa. If you look at 40 naughty MLA elected by Goan Electorate majority of them have fairly good educational back-ground. And, if you compare their performance, they are almost in par. The 5th grader Minister and BSC Chief Minster have more or less performed same in terms of corruption, nepotisms and arrogance etc. For that matter even the leader of opposition who is IIT has performed worst than 5th Grader. IIT skills are being used to engineer defection and power broking then for good governance. Take for example; Singapore which was marshy land is today best city state in the world. And Goa, the Rome of East is now almost Pimp of East thanks to Bad Governance by our Goans.

Even a least literate person will do a better job provided he or she must be honest, sincere and trustworthy. Late Sheikh Rashid of Dubai was not highly qualified but had a vision to turn desert in to business hub. He did not have money yet build 2 biggest ports in the Middle East (Jebel Ali Port is now ranked 3 in the world) soon after its independence in 70's.

Singapore and Dubai marched ahead by building the Ports, whereas Goa which had natural deep sea port (Marmagoa) is still lingering in its development thanks to apathy of Goa Government and MPT . Singapore and Dubai within the span of 25 years rose from sleepy marshy/dusty states to Modern States whereas Goa is going for dogs. Politicians have to be patriotic to its motherland and not highly literate. Selfless service to nation will build the nation. Self service will ruin the nation. Self service is now rampant in Goa like other parts of India.

Agnelo Pinheiro

Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 05:23:00 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita <>
To: Goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Literacy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Many Goans sing praises of their beloved MLA's/Ministers who apparently help them with specific favours. Surely, if the system of governance was properly
working in the first place, there would be limited need for the MLA?s to
"assist" the people at the low micro level and these Politicians should have been instead, involved at the much higher Macro level, of taking the state forward in the right manner for the benefit of Goa & Goans. It appears that
Goa's Politicians are hugely favored and possibly support a highly flawed
system of governance, with high level of corruption, lethargy & incompetence
in the Government Departments; as a result of which Goans are forced to
approach the MLA?s for ?assistance ?and then be forever enslaved to the
respective Politician. Then as a source of ?gratitude?, these people allow
corrupt Politicians to continue further with the Sale/Destruction of
Goa Environment & Identity; which is exactly what the corrupt
MLAs/Minister?s want!! Goans appear to be proud of their high
literacy/awareness, which is understood to be important for successful
democratic governance. But with such ignorance, I would argue if this High
Literacy rate has actually improved the state of affairs in Goa or is it
just an un-necessary Statistic!!

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