Police Porjek?
Congratulations to Dy.S.P. Sammy Tavares for the Release of his first Konkani 
Album 'Police Porjek'.The lyrics of the Album is of very high quality and all 
the songs are on very important topics  of our life.
In reality,are the Police for the Common man?Does the Goa Police not controlled 
by the politicians in Power?I totally agree,in one of the songs ,Sammy 
says,Police are human too and the Police department have produced really good 
Officers in the name of Allan D'sa,Bosco George,Sammy Tavares himself etc.
The people of Goa are really not happy the way Police handled the Atala case 
which is of very serious nature,wherein a PI was also arrested.The people of 
Goa were also not happy with the transfer of Dy S.P. Bosco George when he was 
doing a good job in the Narcotics department.
Hope the Goa Police department learn something from the Album Titled 'Police 
Porjek ' and win the faith of decent common people.
Joel Morais

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