From: "Jeevan R" <
October 19, 2010 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Miracle of Chilean Mines
<<What about the heroic role played by the Medics, Rescue workers,
Engineers, and Scientists who all existed and physically brought the
miners out of the hole which could have very well become their tomb.
**Dear Jeevan,
I asked you all to reflect. Thanks for your reflection. Actually all worked in
solidariy and with hope. This itself is a miracle. The 33 miners were
certainly in a state of depression, panic, fear. They could have died of shock, or silicosis, or pneumonia, or of any other infection, or become mad during the 69 days in the cave.
They must have been angry also against the Establishment...
All of them were people with faith in God. All prayed. They attributed their
"miracle" not to Science, but to God.
God acts through the secondary causes.
Families were praying for them. "Work as if everything depends on you alone,
pray as if everything depends on God alone". This is a valuable motto.
Prayer nourishes hope and strength. It leads to work for others. As you say,
it was "heroic role" on the part of rescuers and medicos, which is explained by prayer and faith in God. Faith in
God leads to responsibility and commitment.  In spite of all technological
advances, they fell into the cave, which gave in. Technology also helped the
workers to bring them up. God's finger is there!
I read that the Holy Father Benedict XVI sent to each of them "rosaries" from the Vatican, brought personally by the Archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz ossa. The miners were all together praying the Rosary, asking the intercession of Mother of Jesus, our heavenly Mother. They were rescued on October 13, day of the sixth apparition of Mary to three children in Fatima, on October 13, 1917, with the miracle of the sun. The government, the public, the miners and their families consider it a "miracle". This is very meaningful. All attribute it to Mary. Mary was there to help them! Science alone cannot do that "miracle".

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Ivo  wrote:
> Dear Goanetters,
> You have certainly been following the events of the 33 miners of
San José mines, in Copiapo, Chile, who fell on August 5.
These notes were sent to me. I am forwarding them
to you. You may like to reflect on them.
> Regards.
> Fr.Ivo

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