Any sensible Goanetter should know that a physician who has taken the 
Hippocratic Oath has an ethical duty to provide truthful health-related 
information from an authentic and credible medical source such as the respected 
medical journal Lancet or the websites of the U.S. National Cancer Institute or 
the World Health Organization. Physicians are not supposed to provide 
unreliable medical information from bogus websites that specialize in crackpot 
conspiracy theories. For example, please check out the following website 
provided by the post appended below, claiming that aspartame induces liver and 
lung cancer:

Any person with simple common sense can figure out that it is not a credible 
medical website. Indeed, it is a fringe political/ideological website that 
promotes all kinds of wild conspiracy theories. Its name itself should give you 
a hint. It is called "Infinite Unknown".

Here are the crackpot conspiracies that it is promoting to fool the gullible 
and the paranoid:

1. That 9/11 was an inside job.

2. That Russian spacecraft landed on the moon before Apollo 11.

3. That HIV and cancers result from vaccines.

4. That a Nobel laureate has discovered the scientific basis of homeopathy.

As for the claim that aspartame causes liver and lung cancers, if you read the 
research paper it is advertising, you will find that it has nothing to do with 
human beings or aspartame containing diet drinks or foods. The paper is about 
giving huge doses of aspartame to mice to find out how high one has to go to 
increase slightly the number of malignant tumors that are normally produced in 
male mice as they age. The dose of aspartame that accomplishes this in a 
statistically significant manner is equivalent to a 70 kg man drinking 2189 
diet coke cans everyday throughout his life, with his mother doing the same 
when she was pregnant with him in her womb. That amounts to drinking one can of 
diet coke every 39 seconds 24 hours a day from the time one was a fetus till 
one's death.


--- On Mon, 10/25/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão <> 
>    RESPONSE : Only irresponsible medical
> doctors can give you a guarantee or full assurance that any
> medicine or chemical will not produce any side 
> effects or harmful effects on ingestion. This basic advise
> is taught as students because human being is not a machine
> where you can give a guarantee. 
> Mervyn would do better to know that medical doctors are
> bound by Hippocratic Oath. I would suggest he reads and
> understands the Oath here:
>          Santosh Helekar wrote
> : <<<<…. The information regarding aspartame
> that you have provided on Goanet is  completely fake. 
> You have allowed yourself to be fooled by bogus websites
> and  urban legends distributed through chain emails. 
> You are running the risk of  losing your credibility
> as a physician, if indeed that is what you
> are…….>>>>>       
>          RESPONSE : For
> Santosh all sites are bogus except the ones he goes to. For
> him even “American Journal of Industrial Medicine” 
> will be bogus or false publications. Here is what is
> published in October 2010, most recent, in the said journal
> :               
> As I have said earlier, all sites quoting
> Aspartame to be safe are research manipulated by scientists
> as ‘SEARLE’ was
> funding them. But truth cannot be hidden. Political muscle
> power was used to
> get Aspartame approved by F & DA. Slowly the can of
> worms is opening up.
> Just last week FDA have admitted that certain medical
> device was approved on
> pressure from politicians. Read the New York times
> here:               
> Note that the dates are almost very close.
> Someone is surely opening the can of worms.
>  Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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