RESPONSE: Gentlemen.....some observations:

#1 Gilbert's links are dated Oct 25 & 26, 2010. Santosh's link is dated July 30, 2009

#2 One of Gilbert's links is Arianna explaining how her website is undergoing a metamorphosis on Health-related matters. The other link is authored by Dr Dean Ornish, Clinical Professor of Medicine, UC San Francisco. On the other hand Santosh's link is authored by Dr Rahul K. Parikh, a physician and writer in the San Francisco Bay Area. I would think the medical fraternity would look to Ornish more favourably than Parikh.

#3 I perused Parikh's blog very quickly......he seems to have the HuffPost's number. Quite a few posts directed at the HuffPost and Ornish.

#4 I dont see anything amiss in Gilbert forwarding those links by themselves. Nevertheless, as I have said before, I wouldn't be getting my Health News from the HuffPost just as much as I would not be catching up on my Techie news from

#5 Perhaps the HuffPost and are sparing with each other for the same market - left-of-center politics. I think a link from to counter a link from HuffPost may not have been the best choice.

So gentlemen, what exactly is going on here?? Is Gilbert baiting Santosh? Perhaps successfully??

- B

-----Original Message-----
From: Gilbert Lawrence

Re: Healthcare information for the lay-person

Here are two links for introduction to healthcare articles for
lay-persons; which many will find useful.

From: Santosh Helekar

Please do not trust the political/ideological website entitled "The Huffington Post" insofar as medical and health-related information is concerned. Please read this article in Salon magazine by Dr. Rahul Parikh on the dubious information and opinions that it promotes:

The article is entitled, "The Huffington Post is crazy about your health", with the subtitle, "Why bogus treatments and crackpot medical theories dominate 'The Internet Newspaper'".

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