Good thoughts. My response.

> From: Gilbert Lawrence <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Interview of Edila wife of Pundalik Gaitonde
> (DEL)
> ------------ Gilbert responds:
> I have had women tell me of images they have of me.:=)) But a guy who is an
> adroit and avante-garde painter? I am?all eyes and ears!?I would not make
> the
> association if you aim to sell that art-work.? But ... just may be, you
> could
> have 'a galaxy?of women' as potential customers for that painting. We both
> wish:=))?
> venantius j pinto; I have no clue. If you meaning painting Dellon and his
> activities -- no, If you happens to refer to something else I have done
> (perhaps not) -- then, I do not know. People should always free to interact
> with me. But trust me no one really does, except from time to time or two
> who simply want to ask the same old, same old.*** Recently there have been
> people interacting with me on FB. Not Goans.

***Often interactions go as:
Ex: Whats new. Hi. Whats up. Whats new? Whats new.Hey, whats new/s. Kitem
hem Pai che bens. Mai cho vistid!! What is whats new. (How many time the
same crap) I finally have had to explain: Work to me may not be the same as
work to you. All of us do different jobs, work, work as play, etc. WE
(visual people and me for instance) are thinking all the time, trying to
solve a problem -- not a world problem, but a visual one.  So if I go to
India, I may say visit caves, not come and visit someone who is simply
angling to share their face with me. Point is to set something up. Lets have
some baseline respect. In fact plan ahead, ask a question.Not close me in a
fucking restaurant and have a gabfest. Lets drive somewhere, hangout -- they
can go to sleep while I work, record document etc. Anyway.

On selling: Speaking for myself, I am not dying to sell. Having said that, I
just sold a piece. It was a straight transaction and this young person
wanted me to have what I really wanted. One piece in a while.

If you mean me as adroit -- I would say that I am that. But my application
of anything nimble is more towards helping others see potential. I have come
a long way and happy for that.

No major Indian heavies (incl. Goans) has not given me the time of day,
except for a few who are in the process of shaping themselves. People know I
exist, lets just put it that way. I have generally stayed on good terms with
most, but have had to tell a few (including more regular fold) where I
stand. That too nicely. But its sadly fascinating to see their drive in
their methodologies towards coaxing, carrot and stick, jamming into a corner
)related to a launch, time, nature of request). Basically ones DEMONS, and
the idea of USING. But all from so-called good families. Then there are
those who want me to become famous and I ask why? So you feel good? Find
someone else.

But people are free to contact me for any number of things including if they
wish to sit for me. It would be interesting to paint nudes. Some call that
passe but that will never be. Its how one approaches anything. BUT I am not
running after anyone. I have lots of ideas to work on, and serious studies
for the next 13 years. But will always respect an interaction.Thanks.

I am also happy to fulfill my self created role as one in artistic labor who
shares thoughts, ideas, and opinions till I decide its time to stop. Happy
to see Charudatta Prabhudesai doing it too.


On a serious note,? a suggestion to paint an? Eagle rather than a vulture
> for
> many reasons. While working on the painting, given its theme, here is a
> song (my
> favorite)?to play.
> "Wind Beneath My Wings."
> venantius j pinto: I explained about the vultures drawings. But I hear
you. I will make it a point to listen to the song. Did. Good song. Did not
know the title, but have heart it before. Thanks G.
Btw, I never listen to music when I work or read.

Best Gibert.

> ?


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