(Without prejudice)

Mogal Carmen Bai

Thank you for forwarding your e-mail of 11 October 2010 which may have gone astray in transit.

I will not let my left hand know what my right hand does on Monday 25 October 2010 and do what I have to do for the love of Goa.

The shoe does not tell the foot how long to grow, Goenkarano, let your kindness and philanthropic heart pour out as much as you can to save our Tamree Matee; some of which is already exported to China and there will come a time sooner or later "amcam kaina" or as some of our Goans say "Makam kiteak Podlam"!!

Goenkaranoo, Ful na zalear Paklee ghaluia. If we are unable to support someone who can, then we cease visiting Goa AND COMPLAINING AFTER ENJOYING HOLIDAY.\


What a mind can conceive is what one can achieve - Steven Covey.

Mog sodanch assum!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carmen Miranda
Date: Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 6:43 PM
Subject: can you help?
To: Oscar Lobo

Dear Oscar

I have just returned from HSBC bank today where I went personally to ensure the security blockage the bank had put on this account , as it was dormant for a couple of years, was removed. Now finally, after many attempts to get this account reopened and functioning, I can assure you that finally is working.

Name of a/c: Save Goa Campaign
Account: 91145665
Sort Code: 40-04-07
Bank: HSBC
Branch: Kings Cross - London - UK

I felt like crying however when I saw the bank statement!
Less than £50 (£47 to be exact!) have been deposited since this account was reopened mid September. I can only assume people did try and failed to deposit because of the bank blockage on the account.

Oscar, as you well know our struggle to save Goa is againts billionairs! The mining industry and the developers - they have crores and crores of rupees to destroy Goa through corruption and bribes

What do people realistically expect me to do with a total of £47 donated since September?

There are just 4 things I set out to do by the end of this year as described in my S.O.S. Goa letters. To that, I now added the anti-corruption campaign. Only with your generosity can I ensure some change will take place in Goa.

Your support and that of other goans in Melbourne is needed urgently and is vital so that I can continue this battle in Goa. We are on the verge of making a real difference ! I promise that after this year I will just stop trying to save Goa. The struggle to get some support from goans is harder than the struggle agains the mining industry!

My deadline to deliver on what I set out to do is end of this year. I hope you can make at least a small contribution. On my next letter S.O.S. Goa letter I will give further details.

With regards
Carmen Miranda

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