U. G. Barad:

Here are a few things that Dr Konraad Elst stands for:
1. He is aligned with the right wing in Belgium as well as in India.
2. he is intensely anti-Islam ( hence a suitable bed-mate for the

Mr. Marshal, neither of the above TWO points are mentioned in the web-links
provided by you. This clearly implies that above two comments are coming
from your thought process and not from the web-link(s) provided by you. Now
would you like to shift the goal post in your defense?
I am well aware and do appreciate that English is not the mother-tongue for
many of us and so some of us are challenged in understanding the language.
Therefore I am reproducing my previous post once again. Kindly read it
slowly and absorb what is written carefully. In case you still have
difficulty, may I suggest that you seek the assistance  of a competent

It is a misnomer to state that 'Dr Konraad Elst is a friend of the Hindus'.
A more accurate description would be that he is a strong votary, ideologue
and supporter of hindutva, one of the few foreigners to do so (the other
being Francois Gautier). The sangh parivar does not in any way represent the
hindus though they, their supporters and sympathisers would like to believe
so. Tha sangh parivar clings  to him and is fond of quoting him to gain
respectability as he is a westerner.

Here are a few things that Dr Konraad Elst stands for:
1. He is aligned with the right wing in Belgium as well as in India.
2. he is intensely anti-Islam ( hence a suitable bed-mate for the

A reading of some of his books and writings will give one a reasonably good
flavour of his ideological moorings.

Could you kindly point out where I have said that the two points made
by me are mentioned in the web-links?

The web-link was only given to provide more information about him. I
have derived the conclusions narrated above after reading articles
written by him in magazines and from his web-site

I would rely more on persons like Romila Thapar,Irfan Habib, Bipin
Chandra and R S Sharma among others because they have decades of
scholarship and academic learning. Their work has been well
researched, documented and peer reviewed internationally.

In contrast,Konraad Elst comes across as a clone of Dan Brown, who
makes good,interesting and absorbing reading but mixes facts with
fiction wherever it suits his ideological leanings and convictions.

Hence, while we should definitely read him, we need to be careful
about jumping to conclusions based on what he writes.



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