On 1 November 2010 16:58, Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I agree with many of the statements made by Selma in this post, in
> particular, the fact that all people of all races, colors, castes and creeds
> are equal, and that it is possible for a foreigner to live in India for 20
> years, and understand its culture and ethos.
> However, her statement quoted above is not necessarily true, nor should it
> be true. The right and left wings in the U.S., for instance, are as rabid as
> in India. Living under a constitution that guarantees freedom of expression,
> none of the exponents of these ideologies is silenced or can be silenced by
> any means for any length of time. In fact, in most cases the opposite
> happens. After publicly claiming that their own beliefs are the best and the
> truest of all - indeed, going beyond and claiming that any deviation from
> their own beliefs is evil - they become much more famous and rich, receiving
> highly lucrative book deals, and radio and TV show contracts.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

COMMENT: Here is a snippet of the Republican's newest darling: -

Over the past few weeks this Catholic-turned-evangelical Tea Party favourite
has dominated the airwaves and clogged up the blogosphere. We've learnt
about her interesting views on
adulterous) and Aids (people with HIV brought it on themselves); heard
her fulminate against scientists who have created mice with
"fully-functioning human brains"; and discovered that her knowledge of the
constitution falls short of the first

Full read @
 We shall see before the week is out whether Americans vote her in.

I saw a programme on T.V. last night, which claimed that Glen Beck has
amassed a fortune of USD35 million, Sarah Palin ostensibly won't run as she
would have to give up her lucrative income, also running into millions!

On another aspect, we have preachers of hate here in London, who have not
been sued by anyone; not only that, even the Police have been unable to
arrest them, until only recently.

Difficult to have them deported, tax payers end up footing their Legal Aid
bill and they continue to live on State benefits while they carry on their
hate propaganda.

To sue for defamation, one has to have minimum £50k - how many will
undertake such a task ? Only the rich and famous whose egos have been hurt.
The tabloids tell the story.

Gabe Menezes.

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