Dear Dotor sab Barad, 

Mr. Raul Gandhi may be right because the American call centres and joint
ventures have given birth to DOH Hindustans.

The middle class has stretched so much that we have people belonging to this
world and few others in "special world".  A good example is that of Lazarus
to put this in proper prospective.

The only way to connect both the Hindustans is to drive away foreign

The shoe does not tell the foot how long to grow. Rahul's uncle - Jawaharlal
Nehru was responsible for the invasion of Goa.

Where are our freedom fighters? what freedom have they given Goans, and
where do they belong in the Two hindustans, is a million dollar question?

Many Goans have left and they continue to leave with Portuguese passports a
ticket to western world.  Who has done something for

Hope this is closer to your expectation of an answer, Barad bab.

Mog assum

Yours sooporlee mooeee.

Oscar C. Lobo



From: U. G. Barad 

Subject: [Goanet] Rahul Gandi says there are TWO hindustans!

Forty year youngster Rahul Gandi while speaking at AICC meets said 'I have

understood two things clearly.? First is that it is only the poor people who

can take the country forward. . There are two Hindustans - one is growing

very fast and the other is for the poor (which is in crisis).... We have to

connect and unite the two'. I wander which Hindustan Goans belong. Do any

Goanet member has the ans

U. G. Barad

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